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Saanvi: "They are here"

Saying that she ran to the terrace. I followed her.

There were two black cars

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There were two black cars. One was ours and the other one was theirs probably. Everyone except me and saanvi were present near the parking area. One by one, they started coming out of their car. I was looking down at them.
Hold on...is it jungkook? Damn, he looks so muscular now. Who is the lady next to Mrs Kim? She looks the same age as Sia di.
Just then I saw two people getting out of the car. One of was Mr Kim and the other was...Taehyung? His back is facing me so I couldn't see his face.

Saanvi: "Di who is who here?"
Y/N: "Uhh the muscular one is Jungkook. The middle aged man and woman are Mr and Mrs Kim. The old couple is grandma's friend and her husband. I don't know who the other one is"
Saanvi: "And the most handsome over there is Jeeju right?"

I didn't say anything because I couldn't deny. He looked like a prince at the moment. I couldn't take my eyes off him. The sunlight was making him look more attractive.

*outside the house

Everyone were greeting each other happily

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Everyone were greeting each other happily. The old and the middle-aged couples were happy seeing each other after a long time, so were their children.
Y/N didn't know who Irene was as she never came to India because of her studies.
While taehyung was talking to aadi, he felt someone's stare on him. He looked up and met with the most beautiful pair of eyes. They both stared at each other for a few seconds, taehyung smiled at her and that's when she came out of her thoughts and bent down. Taehyung chuckled and walked inside the house along with the others.

You are such an idiot Y/N. Why in the world did you look at him. He might think how perverted I am. Ugggghhh

Saanvi: "Are you alright?"
Y/N: "What do you think?"
I asked in an annoyed tone because she keeps on blabbering.
Saanvi: "Yeah now you are getting annoyed because you are getting married? I hate you. I am going bye!!!"

She stormed out of the terrace, making me sigh.


Grandma's friend: "Where is Y/N?"Mrs Kim: "Yeah call her, it's been more than a decade since I last saw her"Mom: "Sia go and call her, dear"Sia nodded and walked to the terrace to call Y/N

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Grandma's friend: "Where is Y/N?"
Mrs Kim: "Yeah call her, it's been more than a decade since I last saw her"
Mom: "Sia go and call her, dear"
Sia nodded and walked to the terrace to call Y/N.

Sia: "Yah!! They are calling you down"
Y/N: "How did you know I was here?"
Sia smirked at her
Sia: "I saw that romantic eye contact of you and taehyung, babe"

Y/N's cheeks turned pink as she glared at her elder sister.
Sia: "Let's go now"
Y/N: "wait how do I look?"
Sia: "You look really pretty. I am scared if taehyung won't control himself"
Y/N: "Shut up"

Y/N and sia entered the living room. Everyone smiled at her making her feel awkward.

Y/N: "Hello, how have you all been doing?"
Mrs.kim: "Oh my! Come here sit beside me"
Mr.kim: "You have grown so much"
Mrs.kim: "Honey it's been more than 12 years"

Everyone chuckled except Mr.kim
Grandma's friend: "You look more beautiful in person"

Y/N: "Thank you"

She smiled at her. Taehyung was staring at her without blinking. He was just lost in her beauty. Her long hair, kajal in her eyes, natural blush, long black hair and her smile was making him go insane.

Jungkook: "Noona do you remember me?"
Y/N: "Of course I do bunny"

She chuckled along with the others.
G/M/F/H (grandma's friend's husband): "My dear, you might not know my granddaughter, Irene. She really wanted to meet you after she heard about yours and taehyung's marriage"

Y/N: "O-oh nice to meet you Irene unnie"

She looked towards her side and that's when she noticed taehyung who was sitting beside her. As soon as they made an eye contact, she looked away. She dug her nails on her palm being nervous.

Irene: "Nice to meet you too"

Grandpa: "Y/N show taehyung his room and aadi show others their room they might be tired after travelling so much"

Grandma: "Yes he is right. Please take rest and we will meet up again after you all are energetic again"

Aadi: "Sure, please follow me. Y/N, show taehyung' his room"

He didn't address him as jeeju because he is older than taehyung and he preferred calling him by his name.
Y/N nodded and walked out of the living room before checking if taehyung got up from his seat


Make sure to vote and follow <3 See ya with chapter seven next week.

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