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A few weeks have gone by with you going through the same routines. You've grown quite close with a lot of your patients- namely Danny, Brahms and Jason. Those three are always trying to talk to you when they see you. Of course, some of the others are beginning to open up more as well which makes you quite pleased.

Hannibal and you have already finished two books together and are working on a third. You both always take the time to talk about them once finished. Those chats are always fun and informative and you certainly love hearing his unique thoughts on things. It always feels like you're learning something new or seeing something in a new light when talking to him.

Vincent helped you finish your wax car and Bo surprisingly accepted the gift though he didn't show much emotion about it so you're not sure if he liked it or not. Either way, you were very proud of the small figure and the fact that Bo even accepted it made you beyond happy. Next you plan on making something for Vincent though you know it will never be nearly as good as the things he makes.

You taught Bubba how to make flower crowns which became his favorite thing to do. He loves choosing pretty flowers to make crowns out of just for you to wear- and you've pressed and kept all of them. Even Thomas let you put a crown on him which made your entire day. He still doesn't talk to you but at least he's not entirely against you spending time with his brother now. You think that perhaps he's noticed how happy Bubba is when he spends time with you and has since decided to allow it.

Brahms continued to try and teach you how to play the piano but you much prefer listening to him play. He's excellent at it, his movements fluid and the notes perfect unlike when you play. Everything tends to come out choppy when you try. Despite this, he's always very encouraging with you despite his tendency to be impatient. You tend to ask him to play for you more often than not just to avoid possibly annoying him with your amateur playing. You've considered going to the activity room in your free time to practice on your own in order to surprise him but you've yet to do it.

Danny has taken a liking to questioning you during your time together, asking what you've done with the others or what you do in your free time. He still takes photos, of course, but now they're usually of you doing different activities. You're almost certain he has over a hundred pictures of you by now. You're also pretty sure that he's given some to the others for some reason. It's strange to think about but since it doesn't cause harm you don't particularly mind.

Norman is still rather shy and nervous around you, but you can tell he's still excited to spend time with you by the way his eyes light up whenever he sees you. When you're together, he mostly asks to hear about you but he's opened up a bit by telling you about his mother and the motel they ran together. Of course, you avoided asking too many questions as you didn't want to risk upsetting him.

You've been teaching Jason other crafts during your free time together like origami. Poor guy tries his best to follow along but sometimes he gets frustrated when his fingers smoosh the paper. Usually when that happens you try to cheer him up by giving him whatever you had made which he always treats with care. There's something heartwarming about seeing such a big strong guy treat something you created with such delicacy.

Michael and you have continued to make masks together and his wall has become covered in the ones you've made. You're still not sure why he likes them so much but he always takes one of his down to replace it with yours. He also stares at you a lot but you try your best not to let it bother you. Unfortunately, he still hasn't made any attempts to speak to you in any way whether it's verbally, sign language or even writing. You're hoping that changes one day but you won't try to force it. It's been years since he's last spoken and you don't want to make him uncomfortable by prying.

All in all, you've been loving your time at the Sanitarium and you find it hard to believe that anybody would hate it there when almost all of them are sweethearts. So far, the only problems you've faced have been rude or homophobic guards. Thankfully they've never gone further than making comments in passing but it still makes you wary of them. However, their comments tend to piss the others off more than you, especially those that you're closer with.

You're scared of what will happen if one of them finally snaps like Michael had. The last thing you want is for one of them to be punished for trying to protect you. You have a feeling that they'll go as far as to kill the guards which will result in extremely harsh punishments even if it was to save you.

You personally don't think the guards will go as far as to actually try anything but Danny seems to think they would. It makes you wonder if they've tried something in the past perhaps with an old nurse. If they had, you would think that Wanda would've taken action against them and fired them. Then again, it's probably a lot easier to cycle through nurses than it is security guards. Nurses don't exactly have to put their lives on the line for their job.

Either way, you can only hope that Danny is wrong and that nothing happens between you and the guards. If the guards did decide to try something with you, you're almost certain that it would end worse for them than you. The men under your care have grown fond and protective over you- most of them, at least- and would likely lose their minds if they found out you were harmed in any way. It's both concerning and heartwarming to think about.

You've bonded with all of them in some way or another and have grown to care about them too. You don't want to lose your job or get transferred elsewhere should something happen. At this point, you can't imagine life without seeing any of them or getting to spend time with them. You love your job- you love being around them. And while that's probably considered unprofessional, you don't particularly find yourself giving a damn.

You'll always care for your boys no matter what happens to you.

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