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"Are you alright, Mr. (Y/N)?" Brahms timid and childish voice is the first thing you hear when you sit down across from him for breakfast.

"I'm fine, Brahms. Why do you ask?"

"Uh, maybe because you look exhausted, doll." Danny points his plastic spoon at your face. "You've got bags under your eyes. Did you not sleep well?"

You wave your hand dismissively. "Just a nightmare. Nothing too serious." The two men exchange unseen looks as you focus on your breakfast. "What about you two? How'd you guys sleep?"

"Better than you, apparently." Danny grumbles with a frown. He doesn't particularly like that you lost out on some well deserved rest because of a nightmare. Despite you telling them that it's fine he's still worried. While nightmares aren't unusual he can't really shake the feeling that something else happened.

"I slept fine, Mr. (Y/N)." Brahms tilts his head cutely as he stares at you. It's quite easy to tell that you're not entirely present at the moment. "Are you sure you're alright?"

Nodding, you take a sip of bland coffee in hopes that it'll perk you up some. "Just a little tired, is all. It's nothing you should worry about Brahms."

"What was the nightmare about?" Danny cuts in, his curiosity becoming a bit too much to ignore.

You open your mouth to reply only to be cut off by an upset gurgle. Turning, you spot Bubba standing off to the side of your table with his tray of food. The man quickly slides into the seat next to Brahms while Thomas sits down on your other side leaving you trapped between him and Danny. This is the first time any of the others have joined you for a meal and that honestly makes you quite happy.

"Is everything alright, Bubba?" You frown slightly with worry as you think about how upset he sounded.

Bubba shakes his head as he lets out a few grunts and squeals which quite frankly just confuses you. It seems he's much too upset to use ASL to speak to you at the moment. Luckily, Danny somehow understood him. "He's upset because you had a nightmare last night."

"Oh, Bubba, it's okay." You try to give him a reassuring smile. "It was just a nightmare, nothing too serious. I promise everything is fine."

Bubba lets out a low whine, obviously still a bit upset despite your reassuring words. You're not sure why everyone seems so upset about you having a simple nightmare. Granted, the nightmare wasn't exactly normal but it's not really all that big of a deal. It's not like you really lost out on that much sleep because of it. You actually slept the entire night so it's confusing that you're feeling so tired.

"What was the nightmare about, Mr. (Y/N)?" Brahms breaks the silence that had settled over the small group. Everyone turns towards you, obviously just as interested in the answer.

Sighing, you decide that you might as well explain it so they can see that they're blowing things out a proportion. "Well, I woke up in the nightmare like it was any normal day. When I exited my room I found the entire building to be empty of it's occupants and their things- including you guys. I wandered around for a while before making it to the exit but it was locked."

Pausing, you look up to see that they're all leaning forward slightly as if to hear the story better. "After that the lights started flashing red. I left the door to go find a different exit and as I was walking my heartbeat was super loud. Then I started hearing a loud sound like metal scraping across more metal. And then I saw a weird man before waking up to my alarm."

Danny's brows are furrowed as he speaks in a low voice. "What did the man look like, doll?"

"Why does that matter?"

"Please just answer the question, doll." Danny places his hand on your thigh under the table and gives it a gentle squeeze.

Your heart skips a beat at the action but you quickly dismiss it as you explain the man from your dream. "Well, he was wearing a striped sweater and a hat. He also had a glove with blades on it. What stood out the most was that he was completely covered in burns."

Everyone at the table grows silent as they take in the information. Your gaze flickers between each of them, taking in their expressions. Brahms eyes are wide beneath his mask as he stares at Danny who looks pale and a bit scared. Bubba looks to be on the verge of crying. Thomas, on the other hand, looks quite mad.

"Why do you all look like I just told you the worst news in the world?" Your voice is filled with worry. You've never seen any of them act like this before.

"That man is very dangerous, Mr. (Y/N)!" Brahms sounds quite panicked which shocks you even more.

You shake your head. "I don't understand. It was just some guy in my dream."

"He's right, doll." Danny gives your leg another squeeze, this one a bit tighter as if he doesn't realize he's doing it. "If that man appears in your dreams again, you should try your best to wake yourself up."

"None of this makes any sense." You huff as you rub your hands over your face in exasperation.

"Please just trust us on this, (Y/N)." Danny's use of your name stuns you though it's exactly what you needed for you to really believe him.

"I trust you, Danny. I trust all of you."

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