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The next room you go into is Vincent's knowing that if he reacts positively to your gifts, Bo might be a little more accepting when you give him his. You've been working hard at getting him to accept you but the progress has been quite small. The only positive thing so far was him accepting the wax figure you made him which he never commented on.

Shifting through the bags to find the one with their things, you step up to Vincent's door before knocking lightly on it. Unsurprisingly there's no answer so you simply swipe your card and crack open the door just enough to peak in. You spot Vincent sitting on his bed, a small wax figure in his large hands as he turns it over while examining it. Smiling, you fully push open the door and step inside.

"Hello Vincent." You move a bit closer as you hold up the bag in your hand. "I brought you something."

He looks at you, head tilted in curiosity. You smile as you carefully sit at the end of his bed not wanting to make him uncomfortable. He doesn't seem to mind so you relax a bit, placing the bag between the two of you on the bed. You nod towards it letting him know that it's okay to look through it. He'll easily be able to tell what's for him and what's for his brother since they have very different tastes.

Vincent hesitates before reaching towards the paper bag. He pulls it closer to him before opening it, his hand dipping in to grab the first thing he saw. He pulls out a rather thick book and you watch as his eye lights up from his excitement. The book is filled with famous artists and their work and there's quite a few pages dedicated to wax art. You knew he would love it the second you spotted it so you didn't give it a second thought when you dropped almost fifteen bucks on it.

"What'd you get Vinny?" Bo's voice rings out startling you a bit. You almost forgot that there's only glass separating the two rooms so he's been able to watch the entire interaction.

Vincent turns towards the glass as he holds up the book allowing his brother to read the cover. Bo's eyebrows shoot up as he sees the size of it. He knows that it wasn't a cheap book and the fact that you were willing to even spend more than a penny on his brother is a bit surprising. Though it shouldn't be since he knows how much you want everyone to like you. He still doesn't trust you much but he has to give it to you- you've lasted longer than anyone else and seem to genuinely know what everyone likes.

Bo lets out a low whistle before turning his attention towards you. "You got anything in that there bag for me, man? Or is Vinny the only one getting spoiled?"

You scoff as you shake your head, smiling a bit in amusement. "Are you going to let me come in your room so I can show you?"

"Be my guest." He shrugs as he motions towards the door. This will be the first time he's willingly let you into his room and that feels like a big step.

You say your farewells to Vincent before heading out of his room to head into Bo's. The mechanic greets you with a smirk as you enter his room and this time it doesn't seem to be cocky or taunting. You pause a moment to see if he's going to change his mind before moving closer.

"Don't be shy, babe. Come sit." He pats the bed next to him. You can't help but to blush slightly yet you do as he says. The beds rather small but you try your best to keep some space between the two of you.

"Here's your gift, Bo." You hand him the bag, your soft fingers brushing against his own calloused ones.

He stares at you for a moment longer for some reason before finally looking into the bag. He pulls out a book equally as large as the one you got Vincent and you can't help but to chuckle softly when his eyes widen in shock.

"Holy shit!" Bo flips the book open, scanning the different pages. It's a book on many classic cars from the different decades and it goes through their basic stats and how they were built. All in all it's very informative and has plenty of pictures to look at. From his reaction it seems like you made the right choice.

Bo closes the book as he turns towards you. You're shocked when he ruffles your hair in a friendly manner, a genuine smile on his face. "You're not too bad after all, kid."

With that you leave his room to move on to the next one, listening as his voice fades as the door closes behind you, him excitedly telling his brother about his gift. The smile on your face feels almost permanent as you walk over to Thomas' room. Everybody has really enjoyed their gifts so far and you hope that it continues this way.

Knocking on the door you're met with a grunt of acknowledgment from Thomas. Taking that as an okay you enter the room. The burly man is laid back in bed, dark eyes locked on you. He doesn't move until you step closer, sitting up in order to make room for you to sit at the end of his bed.

"Hello Thomas. Sorry for interrupting but I've brought some gifts for you and Bubba." You show him the bag which makes him nod in understanding. Handing it over, you shift nervously as you wait to see his reaction. He was a bit harder to pick something out for since you know very little about him but you eventually found something that you thought he might like at least a little bit. If not you can always try again.

He pulls out the book, looking at it curiously. Feeling like you should explain, you awkwardly fiddle your fingers together. "I was told that you made your leather mask yourself so I figured you were interested in leather working or sewing in general. This book is about different techniques you can use and it also has designs you can try out."

Thomas sets the book aside as he looks at you, his face unreadable. You sit there with growing anxiety up until he sets a heavy hand on top of your head. Instead of ruffling your hair like Bo did, he simply pats your head as if praising you. The action makes your cheeks heat up and you quickly say your goodbyes so you can go give Bubba his gift.

You practically speed out of the room and barge into Bubba's room. Luckily he doesn't get startled since he was watching you interact with Thomas so he knew you were coming to his room. You greet him as he squeals happily, practically bouncing on his bed.

The second you sit down next to him he wraps his arms around you, squeezing you tightly before releasing you so he can take the gift from you. You watch with a bright smile as he pulls the two books out of the bag. One is on the different types of flowers and how to care for them. The other is different things you can make using flowers or their petals. With how much he enjoyed making flower crowns you figured he'd enjoy making other things as well.

Bubba squeals once again, throwing his arms around you in a bear hug. He rocks you back and forth, making you laugh. His happiness is certainly contagious. You let him hold you for a few moments before patting his back, letting him know you still have other gifts to deliver. There's still three people on your list and only so much time left in the day.

Bubba pouts and reluctantly lets you go though he perks up a bit when you remind him that he'll see you later. With that he finally lets you leave, turning his attention towards Thomas so he can sign to him about the books you got him. You watch the adorable interaction before shutting the door behind you.

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