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The sound of heels clicking across the tile floor in the morning leaves everyone feeling confused and worried. They all move to the windows, glancing out to see what's going on. Their worst fears fill their heads as they think their precious nurse has been injured yet again. However, instead of a random nurse like last time, it's Wanda making her way to the middle of the hallway.

"(Y/N) wasn't hurt again, was he?" Norma questions, having took over for Norman the second she noticed said boy wasn't there.

"I'm afraid Mr. (L/N) is no longer employed here. Until we find a suitable replacement, you'll have a few different nurses taking care of you for a while." Wanda explains, trying to remain calm. She noticed instantly that Norman swapped personalities the second he spoke up. She didn't realize you had Norma wrapped around your finger as well which is certainly problematic.

"Why didn't he say goodbye?" Brahms asks, eyes growing glossy as his voice wavers with betrayal and heartbreak.

"I wouldn't allow him to." Oh, if only Wanda was smart enough to have lied.

The woman flinches as there's sudden aggressive banging against two of the doors. Both doors are at the end of the hallway between her and the exit and she knows she only has a few seconds to get there before the doors come busting down. Without second thought she kicks off her heels and runs down the corridor, panicking as the banging gets louder.

She's nearly there when there's a loud creaking sound followed by two thuds. She doesn't even get the chance to react before she's flung into the wall, her breath being knocked from her lungs. Slumping to the floor, she grasps at her chest as she tries to catch her breath but it proves pointless as a hand wraps around her neck before she's lifted into the air.

Wanda's eyes widen in fear as she desperately kicks her legs at the person holding her while clawing at the hand crushing her throat. Cold blue eyes stare back at her and she knows she made a grave mistake by firing you. She should've let you stay. Who cares how many guards died if it meant she could live? Their lives were more expendable than hers. She's too important to die.

"Please." She manages to choke out the word. Her pleas however are abruptly cut off as Michael crushes her throat, instantly killing her.

Her body is dropped to the ground without care as Michael continues to glare at her. Jason, being the other person to have broken free from his room, kneels down and takes her access card away before moving to unlock Norma's door. The second Norma is free she takes the card from him and moves to unlock everyone else's door while Michael and Jason head towards the exit.

The doors open before they reach them revealing a handful of guards who were there to escort them to breakfast. Instead of the usual empty hallway they're met with the two huge killers who are glaring them down. The guards remain frozen, unsure what to do. Their batons are only so strong and they certainly wouldn't be able to take down nine notorious killers.

The choice is made for them as Michael and Jason move towards them. A few try to run away while the others take out their batons to at least attempt to hold the killers back. It doesn't work very well as one by one they're all killed brutally. Necks snapping, ribs being crushed, heads smashed in. One unfortunate guy got impaled with his own baton by Jason. None of the guards in the group lived long enough to warn anyone or sound the alarms.

Once all nine of them are free from their rooms they start looking for an exit. Hallway after hallway they kill anyone unfortunate enough to run into them. Crimson blood colors the once pristine white corridors, a stark contrast in color.

Stopping in a random hallway Hannibal orders everyone to stop. "We need to split up."

"What for?" Bo questions, having fun watching the brutal killings and not quite wanting to stop. It's been far too long since he felt the thrill of taking lives that he is enjoying it a bit too much.

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