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It's been a few days since the incident with Thomas and the guards. Chris was kind enough to let you know that Thomas was put in solitary confinement down in the basement and that it'll likely be a while before he's let out. Other than the moment he visited to tell you that on the same day you've been completely alone, isolated in your room.

You've been too nervous to face the others. You don't want to tell them what happened- though they likely already know. You don't want them to see how badly it affected you. How you've barely slept since that day out of guilt and shame. How you think it's your fault Thomas is locked away alone in the basement.

It isn't until your fourth day locked away in your room that there's a knock on your door. Despite not wanting to see anyone and honestly looking like a mess you drag yourself out of bed to answer the door. Your heart practically drops into your stomach when your gaze meets Wanda's. You can tell just from the look in her eyes that she's tired and stressed, probably from your situation.

"Goodmorning, Mr. (L/N)." She greets you curtly. "I'd like you to get washed up and then come to my office. We have some things to discuss."

She doesn't give you a chance to respond as she turns and walks away. Closing the door, you take a deep breath, trying to keep from panicking. Your heart races in your chest the entire time you're in the shower up to the point where you're standing outside of her office knocking on the door.

Theres a mechanical buzz as she unlocks it so you can enter. Opening the door, you spot her sitting at her desk, a grim look on her face as she motions for you to sit down. You do as requested, awkwardly sitting across from her with a straight back, the only part of your body moving being your shaking hands.

"I assume you know why you're here." You swallow the lump in your throat as you nod. "What happened is unacceptable and inexcusable. Two guards were killed by a patient, which has not happened in many years. Would you mind telling me why?"

"Uhm..." You clear your throat in attempts to make your voice less weak and shaky. "I believe Thomas was trying to protect me and took it too far."

Wanda quirks a brow as if judging your words. "Protect you from what?"

"The guards. They were... They were cornering me in the room and talking about doing... things... to me." You feel extremely uncomfortable telling her about the situation which makes you hesitant to say what exactly happened.

"They cornered you and were talking." She nods along. "And that's it?"

You almost want to scoff at her words but refrain from doing so. It's obvious she thinks the situation wasn't as serious as it was made out to be. That she thinks you weren't in any real danger and that Thomas reacted foolishly and rashly.

"Look, I can understand that it might've seemed bad but I guarantee nothing would've actually happened. Our guards are highly trained individuals and have clean backgrounds. I doubt they'd actually do anything and were simply joking around with you."

Wanda folds her hands together on her desk as she sighs, making it seem like she doesn't want to do what she's about to. "I'm going to have to let you go."

"Pardon?" You stare at her with wide eyes, having not really expected it.

"Your relationship with your patients is far too dangerous." She explains, pulling out a file to flip through. "Michael almost attacked a few guards on your first day here despite barely knowing you. I have no doubt that he'd do something worse if it happened again. There's also the fact that they refused to cooperate with other nurses when you were injured until we brought you to them while still gravely injured. You could've torn your stitches and bled out because of their selfish need to see you. Add on top of that the incident involving Thomas where two guards were knocked unconscious and two more were killed. Would you not agree that your relationship with them is dangerous?"

You sit there unable to respond. She has a point that you can't really refute. You always knew that they had grown protective of you and that the situation with Thomas was likely to happen at some point in time. Yet you remained ignorant, refusing to acknowledge that possibility.

"I understand." The words come out in a whisper after a few moments of you taking in Wanda's words. Taking a deep breath, you look up at her with glossy eyes. "Can I at least say goodbye to them before I go?"

"I don't believe that'd be a good idea." She instantly shuts down the idea. "If all of you are to heal and move on then it's best you leave silently. They'll understand."

You nod in understanding despite not understanding at all. Without another word you get up and exit the room, heading back to your own in order to pack up your things.

You regret not going to see them the past few days now that you know you'll never see them again.

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