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By the time Hannibal returned to his room the others were awake, ready to question him once the guards leave. Danny leans against his door, back pressing against it as his head leans back against the wall. The second he hears the doors at the end of the hall shut indicating the guard's departure he speaks up. "Where the hell did you go?"

"Nowhere important." Hannibal lies, though his voice lacks its usual teasing tone. Instead it sounds quite dull and lifeless.

"Don't give me that shit, Doc. We all know they never take you out of your room so it had to have been something important." Danny has to refrain from yelling at the older male in annoyance.

"Might as well just tell the truth, man." Bo calls out, also having approached his door upon hearing the guards entering the hall. "Danny boy isn't gonna shut up til you do."

Hannibal hesitates, unsure if he really should tell them why he was taken from his room in the middle of the night. He knows that more than a few of them will freak out if they discover their beloved nurse was on deaths door once again. The others are extremely protective of you, though he'd be lying if he said he wasn't getting to that point himself. He thought he didn't care about what happened to you up until that moment when your life was literally in his hands and he found himself repulsed at the thought.

"I..." Hannibal swallows the growing lump in his throat. "I was taken to assist in performing surgery on Mr. (L/N)."

"S-surgery?" Normans soft voice echoes the word in a worried tone.

"Why did he need surgery?" Brahms questions, his voice dipping lower than usual.

Hannibal sighs as he sits down on his bed. "The medical assistant claimed that his previous wounds reopened, however upon inspection I believe that they were torn open by new ones. The injury didn't match up where the healing scars were. I believe he was attacked again."

Bubba's worried grunts and squeals fill the sudden silence as everyone thinks over the doctors words. It's obvious there's only one explanation as to what happened but none of them want to accept it. If they do, then they're accepting the fact that there is no way for them to protect you.

"He's s-still alive, r-right?" Norman questions, his words stuttering a lot more due to his growing emotions.

"Yes, he is." Hannibal runs a hand over his face, rubbing at his tired eyes. He feels exponentially more tired than he had earlier and the others bothering him certainly isn't helping.

"You're lucky, Doc." Danny's voice is low and filled with malice, sending a chill through a few of the others spines. "If he had died under your care then I would've personally strung you up by your organs and I can guarantee that it wouldn't be as pretty as your shitty corpse artworks."

Hannibal says nothing in reply to this, knowing that he's not lying in the slightest. In all honesty, Hannibal believes he might have just let him do so if he failed in saving your life. He doesn't want to be the one responsible for your death. Not when he's just realized his own emotions towards you.

He always viewed you as another pawn in his game. Someone to manipulate. You were just another nurse who was going to leave at some point or another. Yet, you stayed. You stayed and actually spent time getting to know all of them. To get to know the them outside of killing.

You're like nobody he has ever met before. Your kindness is true and unending. You're not kind just to trick them, pretending to care when you don't. You care for them so much that you went out of your way to make their days better. Buying them things, spending time with them, and always giving them smiles in passing.

If you had died tonight, he is almost certain he'd lose it. The usual composed and analytical doctor would snap, becoming unhinged and dangerous. He would kill all of the other pathetic people in the building, and he'd hunt down the doctor that wasn't there when he was needed and kill him too. And then he'd find Freddy and make him suffer for taking you from him.

The others would likely do the same. Even the ones who act as if they could care less.

It's obvious just from the fact that everyone is standing by their doors, listening intently to the conversation that they all care on some level for their dear nurse. They may never admit it, but Hannibal can see it plain as day. They all care for you on a dangerous level. Hell, with one word you could probably get them to do anything you want. And that makes you the most dangerous person there.

They may all be killers, but you're the person who got the supposedly heartless monsters to care for you.

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