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"Nurse (Y/N)!" Surprisingly enough, Norman is the first to notice and call out to you. The second his voice echoes throughout the corridor, you hear chairs tumbling and quick footsteps before you see shadows in every single doors window.

"Doll!" Danny's voice calls out next, filled with relief. "You had us scared for a while there, Doll."

"Sorry about that." You awkwardly smile as you rub the back of your neck. It's not like you wanted to worry them but that damn dream demon wouldn't leave you alone.

After that you take the time to go from door to door, greeting all of your boys individually so they can get a good look at you. It isn't until you reach the end of the corridor that you realize Hannibal never stood up to see you like the others did.

You have an inkling of a feeling as to why. After all, the last time he saw you, you were bleeding all over the place and it was up to him to save you. That could be rather traumatic for some people- having someone you care about lying on the table with their life in your hands. He must've been infinitely more worried compared to the others since he actually got to see your condition first hand.

"Hannibal?" You softly call out as you approach his room, peeking through the glass wall. The doctor is laying back on his bed, one arm behind his head while the other holds up a book. "May I speak to you?"

There's a beat of silence before his book closes as he finally looks at you. "Of course."

You wait for him to stand and approach the window, standing much closer to it than he's technically allowed to. You also step closer, leaving only the pane of glass between the two of you. Staring up at him, you can't help but to tear up slightly, catching him a bit off guard.

"What's wrong, dear?" His voice is gentle and full of care as he presses his hand to the glass, wishing it wasn't there so he could comfort you.

"I'm just really thankful for you." You sniffle as you wipe at the tears. "You saved my life, Hannibal, and that's not something I could ever repay you for. I know you probably weren't very comfortable with it."

"There's no need to cry, dear." He smiles softly. "I would do it again in a heartbeat if it meant I wouldn't lose you."

Your face heats up as his words as you become slightly flustered. He chuckles softly at your reaction, finding it to be quite cute.

He really is glad that you survived. He's not sure what he would've done if you hadn't. There's a good chance the others would've rioted, breaking free from their cells to kill everyone in their way out of pure anger from your unjustified death.

What would be most problematic is whether or not they would've blamed him for your death. He was the one that was taken to save you in the middle of the night. It was entirely up to him and Jackson to help you. If they had failed, would they have been seen just as responsible as the man who put you there in the first place?

In all honesty, Hannibal might've accepted whatever punishment the others felt necessary for failing to save you. He's never been one to care much for others but you wormed your way into his heart rather quickly. He couldn't help growing attached to you.

Having a hand in your death would've destroyed him. Never in his life has he feared to lose someone like he had you. Every second you were gone you were on his mind. He never stopped thinking about how you were doing and if you were healing well.

His heart practically leapt into his throat when he was taken to you, being told of your critical condition and how he was the only option in saving you. It was terrifying seeing you like that. A sight he never wants to witness again.

He knows the others would've been even more horrified seeing you in such a state. Bubba, Vincent and Norman likely would've broken down into sobbing messes. Thomas and Bo would've acted indifferent but if you looked closely enough you could see the pain and fear in their eyes.

Jason probably would've cried for a moment before going into a rage, destroying everything around him in a fit. Michael would've most likely just stood there staring at you, body stiff with anger but unmoving.

Brahms and Danny would've reacted the worst. Those two are the ones always talking about you and always by your side. They likely would've gone through a whole range of emotions such as rage, sadness, disbelief. And they would've reacted strongly to each emotion, taking everything out on the employees of the Sanitarium.

He's glad that out of everyone, he was the only one to have to witness you like that. He's the most levelheaded out of everyone. The only one least likely to react with violence. Though, even he has a limit of what he can take before snapping.

He's just thankful that you're alive and well for now.

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