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You've taken up the habit of checking hallways before entering them ever since the awkward lunch with Chris and the boys. The man makes you uncomfortable and you certainly don't want to be around him but on top of that you can tell the others disliked him as well. You're afraid of what will happen if they see Chris getting close to you.

The entire situation is quite stressful. Constantly checking your surroundings, avoiding Chris which is harder than you'd think, and keeping the boys happy by giving them all of your attention. They've grown quite attached to you resulting in them becoming overprotective. One wrong move and they might snap.

Michael already tried to attack guards who were talking rudely about you when he barely knew you. If he finds out about Chris and how uncomfortable he makes you there's a large chance he'll try to do something about it. The last thing you want is for them to hurt someone because of you. You'd rather deal with things on your own. Getting them involved will only make things worse.

Running your hand stressfully through your hair, you reach into the stand next to your bed in order to grab your journal. You've been updating it on a regular basis, already having numerous pages filled with paragraphs- most of which are about how things have been going with the boys and what you've been doing with them. Up until now all of your entries have been positive with only a few slight concerns.

With furrowed brows and a slightly shaky hand you begin to write a new entry.

Things have been strange lately.

I'm not usually one to question things but this time I can't just ignore it. The man I met at the store who I only spoke to for a few short moments- Chris- has suddenly turned up at the Sanitarium. When I encountered him in the hallway I was extremely surprised. I certainly hadn't expected to see him again. Not so soon, at least.

Chris told me that he was originally on night shift as a guard at the Sanitarium but switched to day shift. He claimed it was because the night shift grew too boring but that answer feels off for some reason. It just seems too coincidental that he'd grow bored and switch to my shift just days after meeting me. Granted, I never told him where I worked but it's still strange. I feel like I would've seen him before regardless of what shift he was working.

I know I'm not the only one uncomfortable with his presence. Danny and Brahms were quite obvious about it, though that may just be because I've grown close enough to understand their body language. It wasn't until after Chris left the table at lunch that they verbally expressed their distrust of the man.

Not only that but both Bo and Vincent came to the table- something they've never done before. Bo was able to get Chris to leave but I know he'll come back eventually. I'm worried of what will happen if I ever run into him while alone. A lot of the hallways here are often empty and I have to traverse most of them to get to different locations. I don't believe he'd try anything but I know that's the kind of thinking that'd put me in harms way.

I'm more worried about what the others will do if he does in fact try doing something to me. I fear that they'll kill him which will only worsen things for themselves. They'd more than likely be sent to solitary where I'd be unable to see or interact with them. They'd have all of their things and free time taken away as well. I know that would be pretty devastating for a few of them.

I'll just have to remain calm and try my best to keep my distance from Chris. It'll be hard but I'm sure if I'm careful I can manage to do it. I know I can't avoid him during meal time but at least then I have the boys with me. Hopefully after what happened today he'll stay away whenever I'm accompanied by them. I can only hope.

For now, I'll just have to take it day by day.

Closing the journal you toss it aside before flopping backwards onto your bed. You're beyond exhausted despite not having done much during the day and your body is beginning to feel far too heavy to move. Because of this, sleep easily and quickly takes over.

Super short chapter, mostly just a filler. Next chapter will be a lot more interesting 👀

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