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The entire walk to the ward is silent, nobody bothering to start up a conversation. You can't help but to feel awkward and nervous as Chris pushes you down the corridor with Wanda walking a few feet in front of you. Her clicking heels are practically the only sound to be heard aside from the slight squeak of the wheelchair which makes the entire situation off putting. Despite not wanting to talk to either of them you'd at least prefer them speaking to each other to cover up the silence.

Thankfully it doesn't take much longer to reach the ward holding your boys. With each step closer to the door you brace yourself to be bombarded with questions and worry. You already know that they hate the thought of you being in any form of danger so knowing that you actually got hurt might set them off a bit. Hopefully they don't cause too many problems for Wanda and the other staff since they'll get punished for it which will likely make it impossible for you to visit them after this until you're fully healed and cleared to return to working.

Wanda steps up to the door, swiping her access card across the reader making the mechanical locks whir and click as they unlock. The older woman is the first to enter the ward, head held high and an air of authority surrounding her. Chris follows after her, pushing you along. Your eyes flicker across the numbered doors, searching for familiar faces- or masks.

The first person you spot is unsurprisingly Jason who had rushed to his door the second he heard the ward doors unlocking. You give him a small wave in passing as you're unable to stop to chat due to having no control over where you go or what you do at the moment.

The first few doors pass a bit too quickly, the patients within them barely getting the chance to properly see you. Wanda and Chris finally come to a stop once they reach the halfway point of the hallway which is right in front of where Bo and Vincent's rooms meet.

This allows them the perfect view of you in the wheelchair looking tired and weak. It's obvious you really shouldn't have gotten out of bed yet and they all know it's only because of them that you did so in the first place. Though, they honestly weren't expecting Wanda to give into their demands to see you so easily. They're used to the old hag being stern and unmoving in her decisions so having her agree to bring you was quite the surprise.

"Geez, Doll." Danny is the first to speak up, his hands resting above his head against the window as he gets a good look at you. "You look like you're seconds away from dying and I mean that in the nicest way possible."

"That could very well be true, you know." Hannibal hums as he examines you with a scrutinizing gaze. It's not very shocking that the doctor is the one actually looking for evidence of your injury and is checking your status. Of course, he can't tell too much without getting close and personal. "From the slight gleam on his skin from sweat and the lack of color in his skin, I'd say he's lost a considerable amount of blood."

"Thank you for your unnecessary input, Hannibal." Wanda gives him a tight smile, clearly quite annoyed at his observation. The plan was to downplay just how serious the situation is by making it seem like you're perfectly fine and only in need of lots of rest in order to convince them they don't need to worry about you and that they should focus on themselves. She should've known that damn Hannibal would look past all of that to see that you're actually very much not okay.

Sighing, she turns her attention towards the others. "As you all can see, Mr. (L/N) is doing perfectly fine and there's nothing to worry about. I'm sure he'd appreciate it greatly if you all acted on your best behavior while he's gone on medical leave as it would lessen his worries and make it easier for him to get the rest he needs."

"B-but Hannibal just said he might d-die!" Norman points out with a shaking voice as he stutters over his words.

"I'm not going to die, Norman." You try your best to reassure him knowing he's more likely to believe you over anyone else. Giving him what you hope is a convincing smile, you continue. "I promise I'll be back before you know it and that we can go walking in the garden again, okay?"

He nods shyly, a tinge of pink dusting his cheeks as he looks away. "O-okay. I b-believe you."

"Are you really okay, Mr. (Y/N)?" Your gaze turns to Brahms room where he's standing in the window with his head tilted cutely.

You laugh softly, trying your best to hide your cringe as the movement clenches your gut, tugging at your stitches. "Yes, Brahms. It's nothing to worry about so please don't fret over me. I want you all to focus on taking care of yourselves while I'm away since I can't do it myself. When I return I'll spend time with all of you to make up for it, alright? I promise."

Wanda glances at her watch before clapping her hands together to pull everyone's attention to her. "I'm afraid visiting time is up. Breakfast has already started and if you're any later you won't get any food. The other nurse will be here shortly to retrieve you so I expect you all to be ready to go when she does. We'll be taking Nurse (L/N) back to his room now so say goodbye."

There's a chorus of 'goodbye' and 'see you soon' from everyone- the ones that talk at least. The quiet ones either wave, nod their head as a farewell or sign it. You wave goodbye to all of them relieved that it went quite well. You were quite worried that they wouldn't accept your leave of absence and would continue causing problems for the other nurse. Thankfully it seems like they'll behave.

"I must return to my office to work on some important paperwork. I trust that you can get him safely to his room, Chris?"

"Of course." His confirmation is all it takes for the woman to walk away, heading the opposite direction with a quick stride leaving the two of you alone. He turns the other way, pushing you back towards the medical ward with a rather slow pace. It doesn't take very long for him to break the silence. "They seem to really care about you."

"Hm?" You hum, barely paying attention due to your nerves. It takes a second for your brain to register what he said. "Oh, yeah. I guess you could say that. I'm the only nurse that has stuck around this long and has actually made an effort with them so it makes sense that they'd come to like me."

Chris stops pushing your chair as he seems to ponder over how to say what's on his mind. Unable to move, you sit there and wait for him to either say or do something. Time seems to pass in slow tense seconds before he finally mumbles his thoughts. "You should be careful around them."

"Excuse me?" You can't help the slight aggression in your voice in reaction to his words.

"I'm not trying to offend you." He sighs, obviously seeming genuinely concerned. "It's just that they're extremely dangerous killers. They may seem like they really care about you- hell, maybe they do- but that won't stop them from hurting or even killing you if you piss them off. When they go into a rage there's not much that will stop them and I don't want you to become a victim from being to close to them. I care about you, too."

When he receives no reply he continues pushing you back to your room in silence, letting you ponder over his words. You can certainly see where he's coming from and why he'd be concerned, but there's just one question to ask yourself:

Do you really care if they would kill you?

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