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You awake many days later, confused and disoriented. Shifting even the smallest bit sends pain through your abdomen along with a tugging sensation. That's all it takes for you to remember exactly what happened.

You had fallen asleep sometime after Jackson left from your evening check up only to instantly find yourself in a familiar nightmare. Quite frankly, you were tired of this creepy burnt bitch bothering you and didn't exactly react the way he wanted you to. This led to him lashing out, his bladed gloves ripping straight through your stitches. Your only real thought at that moment was that poor Jackson was going to be extremely stressed trying to save you.

Apparently he succeeded considering you're awake and very much alive.

Shakily placing your hand gently on your abdomen, you cringe when a shock of pain shoots through you despite the fact you're barely touching the wound. The layers of bandages seem to only add to the discomfort. How annoying that you have to go through all of this again. You were so close to being healed as well. Now it'll take even longer for you to return to your boys.

Huffing, you turn slightly to look to the side, surprisingly finding Jackson fast asleep in the chair next to your bed. His head is tilted down, chin resting against his slowly rising chest. He looks quite peaceful despite the obvious bags beneath his eyes.

"Jackson?" Your voice is quiet and raspy from being asleep for so long. Your mouth is extremely dry, incapable of producing enough saliva to help the situation even a little bit. Clearing your throat, you try calling out again, this time successfully stirring the sleeping male.

"Huh?" He grumbles as his head raises, eyes blearily blinking as he looks around in confusion. It takes a few moments for him to gather his senses before he turns his gaze to you. His eyes flutter a few times before widening as he realizes that you're staring right back at him. "Holy shit! You're awake!"

You chuckle softly only to cough a bit which makes Jackson spring up in order to grab you some water. Despite wanting to chug it down, you take slow sips as to not upset your stomach. Sighing in relief, you give Jackson a thankful smile. "I'm sorry to put you through all of that again."

"You better be!" He scolds as he crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back in the chair as he looks away with a pout. "That was absolutely terrifying! I really thought you were going to die this time since the doctor wasn't here!"

"He wasn't? It must've been hard doing everything alone." You feel genuinely bad for the entire situation.  You hate stressing people out.

Jackson sighs, looking back towards you. "I wasn't alone. Your little cannibal friend helped me out."

Your brain feels as if it's buffering as you think of who he's referring to. Once it clicks you look at him in total shock. You completely forgot that Hannibal was a doctor before he switched over to psychiatry. It's extremely surprising that they let him out just to help save your life. Did they really care that much?

"He was actually pretty amazing and fluid in his work." Jackson grumbles, obviously hating complimenting the other man. "He gave very precise orders and made things a lot easier. I was a bit surprised to see how talented he was but I suppose it makes sense knowing how he was with harvesting organs from his victims."

Your nose scrunches slightly at the thought of Hannibal harvesting organs. If you had met the man before he got caught you would've never guessed that would be something he did. He seems too classy and proper to do such disgusting things.

Jacksons brows furrow slightly as he thinks back to that day. "It was a bit strange though..."

"Hm?" You look at him curiously. "What was?"

He remains silent for a moment, likely collecting his thoughts. "Hannibal almost looked disgusted when he had his hands inside of you. Like even touching your organs was going to make him get sick. I never expected him to look like that. I pretty much expected him to look excited or reminiscent. I didn't see any of that when looking at him."

You remain silent as you think over his words. Trying to imagine such a look on Hannibal's face is almost impossible. The man is usually quite composed so the idea of him looking disgusted for any reason is strange. What you want to know is why he looked like that. Is it because it's been so long since he's last been able to do something like that? Or is it because it was your organs he was holding within his grasp?

"Hey Jackson?" You speak up after a few minutes, voice soft and almost reluctant. "Can you do me a favor?"

"That entirely depends on what it is." His eyes narrow slightly as if untrusting of whatever it is you're about to ask him to do.

"Can you please go let Hannibal know that I'm okay and thank him for helping you save me? I would do it myself but I'm assuming that I'll be stuck on bed rest for a long while."

Jackson quirks a brow. "You want me to go to the most dangerous ward in the entire building just to tell a cannibalistic killer that you're alive?"

You don't reply, simply giving him the puppy eyes as you patiently wait for him to give in. The two of you stare at each other in complete silence for a long time until he finally gives in with a silent curse.

"Whatever but you owe me for this!" He points at you as he stands up. After that he exits the room, likely going to get it over with. You feel bad asking him to do something he's reluctant about but he's the only person you can ask to do it. It's not like you can do it yourself.

Hopefully Jackson can help ease the worry of the others if they even know what happened to you. You're unsure if Hannibal even mentioned anything to the others or if he simply kept quiet about it. You kind of hope he kept quiet as to not worry the others but they'd find out eventually regardless.

You really can't wait to see them all again.

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