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Peaking around the corner into yet another hallway you breathe a sigh of relief upon finding it to be empty. You've been trying extra hard to be cautious, checking your surroundings at each turn to ensure that you don't end up running into Chris while alone. You managed to successfully do so the other day so hopefully you can today as well.

After one more glance to double check, you make your way down the hall towards the patient ward. As you walk you begin to feel a strange sense of deja-vu like you've been in this exact situation before. You've walked down this hallway numerous times before but for some reason it feels different this time. Like you're walking down a hallway you've only gone through once.

Pausing your steps, you stay silent as you listen for any noise. Usually you'd hear guard chatter, footsteps or doors opening or closing yet the longer you stand there the louder the silence seems. There's not a single sound.

Confused and somewhat scared, you begin to rush to the patient ward. Right now the only thing that will calm your slowly growing panic is seeing your boys. Just being in their presence will be enough to make everything okay. You can only hope that they're there.

Rushing through the door after scanning your card, you freeze when you spot someone standing in the middle of the hallway. Your heart begins to hammer wildly in your chest as you stare at the person. He stares right back, a crazed smile on his face. The look sends a chill down your spine and you subconsciously take a step back.

"You're not planning on leaving so soon, are you?" He steps forward making you stop in place.

"Please just leave me alone Chris." You quietly plead with him, your voice wavering despite you attempting to remain calm.

Chris chuckles, taking yet another step towards you. "I don't think I will. I have quite a few plans for you, sweetheart."

His steps grow faster and you nearly trip as you turn around to sprint out of the hallway. You can hear him following after you though his steps sound much louder and rhythmic in comparison to your quick panicked footfalls. It's easy to tell that you're going much faster than he is yet it sounds as if he's constantly right behind you, ready to grab you at any second.

Rushing around a corner, you slide into a wall before continuing to run. Your shoulder throbs from the impact but you ignore it knowing that the pain is the least of your worries. Tears well up in your eyes involuntarily making your vision blurred and warped. Rapid blinking only makes it worse as the tears come faster than they fall.

Unable to see clearly, you slam into another wall, injuring your already hurting shoulder further. You cry out from the pain, grasping at your shoulder as if the pressure will help avert the hot throbbing sensation. The pressure only makes it worse causing you to whimper pitifully.

Before you get the chance to run again you're grabbed and slammed to the ground, your head snapping back onto the tile. Chris covers your mouth with his hand to keep you from screaming, his body pinning yours down. "That chase was pretty damn pathetic. I really wish you would've put up more of a fight."

You struggle underneath of him, trying to throw his weight off of you to no avail. He laughs at your weak wiggling, finding amusement in it. Once his laughter calms he uses his other hand to grab a fistful of your hair, forcing you to look up at him. "Now, let's get started on those plans I mentioned."

Terrified of what he's going to do, you panic and blindly whip your hand up towards his face. Your fist connects solidly with his chin, forcing his head to snap to the side. His grip on you tightens as he clenches his jaw in anger. Slowly, he turns to face you again, that same wicked smile showing on his face once more.

"You shouldn't have done that, bitch."

Everything suddenly begins to change around you. The familiar white halls morph into some strange boiler room with flashing red lights that you quickly recognize. Turning your attention back towards Chris, you find him to be gone. Instead the man from your nightmare is on top of you, his bladed hand waving dangerously.

Unintelligible sounds come from your covered lips as you stare up at him with wide eyes. You're wiggling a lot more now, trying desperately to get him off of you. You're in such a panic that you fail to remember the advice given to you by the others- to wake yourself up. Even if you did remember you would have no clue how to do such a thing.

The man covered in burns releases his hold on you as he scoots down a bit further on your body until he's sitting on your upper thighs. You plead with him to let you go through your hiccups and sobs though you can tell it's pointless. There's no way he'd let you go, especially after you punched him.

Slowly, he moves the blades on his fingers towards your shirt. In one swift movement he cuts it straight down the middle making it fall open. He stares down at you for a few moments before lifting his gloved hand again. "I think I should get even for that hit, don't you?"

Blinding hot pain shoots through you, forcing a scream from your lips as he slashes his hand down to force the knives to tear through the skin of your abdomen. You can feel your blood pouring from the wounds at an alarming rate, quickly soaking the ground beneath you. He lifts his hand once more as if to strike you again only to pause.

Snarling in annoyance, he bends down closer to you. "Until next time, bitch." His long tongue flickers out to lick up your cheek, swiping away some of your tears. You have no energy to pull away, only able to lay there in complete numbness. He disappears right after that as do your surroundings.

You're barely able to regain consciousness as you hear people moving around you, exchanging rushed words with each other. Each time your eyes barely manage to open you can only see bright lights moving above you and blurry faces. The last thing you hear before losing what little consciousness you have is someone asking if you're okay.

~~~~~~~Were y'all expecting that? I'm curious as to how many of you really believed it was Chris until I revealed that it was actually Freddy.

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