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In the afternoon after lunch is activity time with Vincent and Bo.

You go ahead and set up the room ahead of time, already knowing what activities they'll choose after accompanying them so many times. Every time Vincent chooses wax carving while Bo picks mechanic magazines to read through. It's amazing how they never seem to grow bored of their chosen activities despite doing them so often. Especially since there's only so many magazines for Bo to choose from that he's already likely read a dozen times.

You perk up when the door opens to reveal one of the guards. The man steps inside being followed by the brothers who instantly move to their respective areas. You're a bit surprised they both ignored you but shrug it off as you move to lean against the wall to simply watch over them.

After a few moments the guards radio goes off, muffled voices echoing through it before he excuses himself to tend to some type of emergency. He rushes out of the room before you can say anything, leaving you alone with the brothers. You've been alone with them before but never outside of their rooms and without a wall separating both of them. It's a bit unnerving.

Bo tosses his magazine aside as he stands up to approach you. You stiffen slightly, unsure what he's planning to do. Once he's roughly a foot away he stops, arms crossed over his chest as he stares at you. "Show me."

"Pardon?" The sudden demand leaves you confused and perplexed.

"Show me the damn scars." His voice is stern and deep making you instantly obey as you awkwardly lift your top to show him the pink scars spanning over the entirety of your stomach. Bo's jaw clenches as he stares at them, taking note of how large they are. Just from looking at them he can tell it's a damn miracle you're even alive right now.

There's the sound of a chair scraping across the floor before Vincent appears in your view. His head is tilted, long dark hair partially covering his mask as he examines the scars. You hold your breath as he slowly reaches forward allowing his fingertips to brush over your skin. Goosebumps spread throughout your body as he traces them, his touch light as a feather.

Both brothers are upset over the sight of the scars knowing that you'll forever be reminded of the pain you went through. They both know how hard it is to live with scars- with constant reminders of your past that you can never get rid of. Someone as beautiful and kind as you shouldn't have to ever deal with such things.

Vincent, feeling rather emotional, kneels down as he presses his forehead to your stomach. You're confused by the gesture but make no move to question him or push him away. You know that he's pretty sensitive so he's probably just as traumatized over the situation as you are. You did almost die, after all. That'd be upsetting for anyone who cared about you.

"I'm okay, Vin." The nickname slips out without thought, going unnoticed by you as you gently run your fingers through his hair in attempts to soothe him. You can feel him shaking, likely trying to hold back his emotions.

Bo watches the two of you, his heart fluttering slightly at the sight of you comforting his brother. Most people would've been weirded out and shoved him away long before he could even touch them but you didn't even flinch. On top of that you willingly returned the affection without even a hint of disgust.

He hates to admit it, but he's extremely happy you didn't die. He would've been devastated if you had but he knows it would've been worse for Vincent. The silent artist had grown attached and Bo can tell it's probably more than just a childish crush. Hell, it might be more than that for himself.

He's never been one to care about anyone outside his family but when that other nurse informed them all of your situation he found himself genuinely feeling worried and scared. His heart practically stopped when he heard what happened to you. And then when it happened again? He damn near lost his shit.

When the cannibal doctor admitted to seeing you and explained how bad it was he found himself regretting not being a bit nicer to you or talking to you more. He thought he was going to lose you before he even had you. It felt like the world lifted off his shoulders when he finally saw you again, walking and smiling like nothing ever happened.

Vincent felt the same way. He admittedly cried when Hannibal was describing your condition. The image of you bleeding out practically seared itself into his mind as if he witnessed it first hand. He had nightmares about it for weeks and those nightmares only went away when he finally saw you again. That night was the first peaceful night he had in a long while.

He feels even better now, kneeling on the ground as you give him comforting words while stroking his hair. His forehead remains resting on your stomach, feeling the gentle rise and fall of it as you breathe. It's as if he's truly burning it into his mind that you're alive and okay now. That he's not going to lose you at any given moment.

Both of them have lost a lot in their lives, and they'd sooner watch the world burn before they let you go too.

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