The green fields of Enmars, La Ferdina has once again rang out the sound of gunshots and explosions. With those sounds, Reslania has expanded its presence in the La Ferdinan region which was once the Western part of former Reslania.
On this day, a certain battle at a certain coastal city will commence very soon with preparations having been made by both sides, the Reslanian People's Front and the La Ferdinan Imperial Army.
The air would faintly whistles as the sun sets on the city. And then...
Explosions would erupt, marking a beginning to what can perhaps be considered a fateful battle.
Saint-Boudet, La Ferdina, 8/9/1702
"ROLAND!" shouted a soldier in distress "ARE YOU GOOD DOWN THERE?!"The initial bombardment had took a toll on the La Ferdinan forces garrisoned here to defend the city. Shock and horror took over a big portion of the troops here as those explosions that came from above put holes on houses and some having being perished either from that or the falling rubbles.
A somewhat orderly and calm formations has quickly escalated to that of a chaotic scene, while another barrage would soon land on their position, further worsening the already bad situation they were in.
They were helpless against whatever it was, as they simply couldn't shoot what was there but not there. On the western outskirts of the city, tracers would appear flying in straight line at La Ferdinan forces.
For many, that sight is all too familiar to them, as it was the signature of the Reslanian People's Front, whose troops apparently have shown up to the fight for the regional capital.
The Reslanians immediately ducked down into their defilade before an explosion from the magic cannon would kick up a massive amount of dirt onto them. After that, the fighters would pop back up and start firing in short bursts of rifles and machine gun.
With the battle now underway, the RPF forces would use anything at their disposal just to at least keep the La Ferdinan heads down, particularly ones at defensive positions where cannons have been set up.
The magazines of the riflemen are constantly being changed out for new ones, and those that ran out of full reserve mags would reuse their partially spent ones while the MG just kept firing short bursts during the firefight.
It would not take that long for the machine gun to finally go click though, as soon after, the belt has disintegrated as a whole with pieces of it littered around where the gunner was standing.
The machine gunner would take his weapon's bipod off the defilade, pointing the barrel up and opens up the cover. Swiping the tray off of potential pieces of the belt left behind, he would look to the left, where he would see the new light tank going into position, having its cannon over the tiny hill.
"Hey, stay clear of the tank cannon!" shouted his fellow RPF fighter. The machine gunner would hastily close the cover for now and grab the handle that was intended to accommodate barrel changing before then running off to the back with the others.
It was a short run as they would be directly behind the tank in about 1 second.
The Letpansar let out a deafening explosion before another would erupt further away from them, directly on one of the houses where the Ferdies had taken cover. It's unclear what exactly happened to them, but it's still clear that whatever was there, isn't there anymore... and also a big hole to the house.

Flashia In A New World
ActionThe Federal Republic of Flashia had been living their day like the other day, when suddenly they found themselves under an alien skies. Reborn from the ashes of a bloody series of wars, this Federal Republic would have to face the new challenges th...