[Rewritten Recon and Awe]
Forsvaret Central Command HQ, 28/3/2017
The Forsvaret Central Command HQ, for the second time in this century, has now found itself being a lot busier than it normally is in peacetime."Ground Forces, can you please report the current situation?" said the Commander as he now sits behind a monitor with a headset on. Ground Forces refers to both Land Army and the Home Guard.
"Ground Forces reporting" said the one representing them over comms "Border units have reported that the countries that supposed to border us such as Hatemea are now nothing more than vast bodies of ocean. All communication efforts have resulted in failure. In addition, various Home Guard units alongside the police are responding to various unrests, such as in Gladahjuland and Kawagrzmotia"
Protests had been erupting since the mysterious chain of events saw anything foreign countries-related and citizens abruptly brought back to the homeland. For many, conspiracy theories are no longer out of mind, even it's not the kind someone would expect."WE WANT THE TRUTH!" chanted the crowd of protestors as they marched down the street with police, both local and federal, accompanying them by the sides.
The word 'truth' has been making waves across the federal republic with citizens of each state are still confused as to what's going on. And many believes the government may have something to say about it. For now though, the only thing they could do, is to publically call Barminde out on this.
"I'm going to be honest here" said an officer as the chanting continued "I'm getting tired of this, it's just happening on a daily basis now"
"Well, you know what they say" said another behind him "As long as we exist, one could never make everyone happy"
The protests here have been quite peaceful so far. Even if it's making quite a fuss, no one is breaking anything, no one is setting something on fire.
...The same cannot be said to another state further South-West though.
"We need backup over here, there's a whole lot of them!"Sirens echo off the streets of the coastal city as in almost every corner, there was protest there, riot there as well as various vehicles of the Flash Federal Police and the Home Guard. Lines of riot shields would be formed to counter the violent with various methods such as straight up tear gassing them is used.
"Fuck me, this city hasn't been this chaotic before" said a local police officer as he stood by the pavement, wearing body armor armed with an SMG, watching the white trails of gas going on a lobbing trajectory.
"You tell me Antoniak" said his partner standing right beside him with the same equipment "I've seen some more crazy stuff here in Kawagrzmotia"
"Only for a Tilenogtyvean for you Toft, here in my home state, what you see as crazy online is just everyday life for us"
"Yeah, yeah..."
The line of police shields then slowly advances on the rioters that are still holding their ground even despite having been gassed earlier. All the while Home Guard vehicles would cross the intersection behind them.
"You know, as much as I admit that Kawagrzmotia is a rather rebellious state..." said Antoniak "...This is what I didn't have in mind, I mean those Home Guard guys came strapped! They normally wouldn't do that!"
"I know" said Toft "But it wouldn't be the first though"
"...What you mean?"
"Last year, some dude decided what is normal for a firework wasn't enough-"

Flashia In A New World
ActionThe Federal Republic of Flashia had been living their day like the other day, when suddenly they found themselves under an alien skies. Reborn from the ashes of a bloody series of wars, this Federal Republic would have to face the new challenges th...