A Glimpse and An Arrest

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[Rewritten Walk Around and Find Out]

"It has been confirmed that the Forsvaret Day Parade, which falls under the 12th of April will still be held, as per the Ministry of Defense.

Many were quick to criticize this decision to still hold the military parade, citing the economic issues caused by the abrupt transfer, to which the MoD claimed that the parade serves as a way to bring up morale, said to be more vital than ever in this trying time.

In addition, conscription has also been increased in scale. while still limited, the Defense Forces is expecting to draft 15% of the men aged 18-25 this year, 5% up from the previous annual rate.

In another news, military equipment that was in storage as reserves are being restored back to active duty as the Defense Forces scrambles to bolster its forces against potential threats, particularly from countries in Gestrae to the South of Esterria - Flash Central News Network (FCNN)

Zarabiaćskonać, Kawagrzmotia, Flashia, 5/4/2017
While the visiting party led by Gessel and also Marie III is on their way to their accommodation, the Prime Minister could not help but notice an unusual scenery that he is seeing right out the window.

"Oh dear gods..." muttered the Esterrian Minister to himself "Is this what Magovac meant?"

The unusual scene comes in the form of the local authorities trying to contain the chaos with carriages of different size and colorswith blue lights and 'POLICJA' written somewhere on those vehicles cruising the roads.

What he also sees is the military apparently also patrolling the streets, acting more as a peacekeeping forces while protests are orchestrated and held by large groups of people.

The sound is muffled from the inside so that the other three could sleep peacefully. But judging from the voices the Prime Minister could barely pick up on, they were speaking a language somewhat close to Varikan* and Gošbanian**.

Which is funny considering that the embassy of Flashia in Einskirka has its plaque written in some sort of dialect of Naeslagtlandic***... maybe not that strange considering they have a Nexucian, who speaks at least a dialect of Gošbanian as his native language

Perhaps this is why they're expressing their anger very overtly. But even then, if the riots aren't taken into consideration, why would the authority do little to nothing to these protestors?

It seems to him that beyond their economic capability and the general informations given, Gessel, and Esterria in general still got a lot to learn from their Federal Republic counterparts.

For now, he could only breathe out a sigh and mumbled:

"Flashia is just truly fascinating isn't it...?"


"Just another day isn't it Toft?"

"Yep... another day..."

Antoniak and Toft, the Kawagrzmotian and the Tilenogtyvean police officers respectively patrols the city street in their car of silver color plastered in the blue decals of their department.

Wearing body armor, they looked at almost every corners of the street they cruised on in the midst of the chaos that might as well be the norm at this point, avoiding some blocked roads and those with riots going on, that's the job of the riot police.

"You know, I've heard some rumors that this Esterrian queen is visiting today" said Antoniak who is riding shotgun, as their patrol car take a left turn in an intersection

"Eh, would take that with a grain of salt" replied Toft who is driving.


"Well, it's just that nowadays, we don't even know what is true and what is not anymore. It's just quite chaotic on the net that's... somehow is up and running"

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