Because Flashia is an original country of mine, I had to do the explaining. The Federal Republic of Flashia (Danish: Føderale Republikken Flaska) is a big country, equivalent to Australia, and consists of many states with autonomy.
There is three regions to take note, one is Northern Flashia, the other is commonly known as Jugoflašija (Southern Flashia) and Svarher.
There are 11 states: Tilenogtyve, Gladahjuland, Agevær, Animaatland, Kormland, Kiralsia, Cernra, Nexucia, Sakatlutka, Kawagrzmotia and Svarher. The first 5 is Northern, next 5 is Southern and the other is located right next to the North Pole (not straight up, but getting there). And yes it's both a region and a state.
As you might have guessed already, the culture is more or less a mixture of Nordic and Slavic (West and South) culture. Their official languages are non-existent... at least technically. Do note their Nordic side is more pronounced for states like Tilenogtyve and their Slavic side are more often found in states similar to Kawagrzmotia
The country currently has a population of 202.4 million, the (barely) majority is Tilenogtyvean (about 15% of the population), and has a GDP equivalent of 8 trillion dollars and uses Flask Krone (Crown) as their currency.
Their tech is 2018 but their calendar started a year late so it's 2017 for them.
Their capital city, Barminde is de-facto since the Flash constitution of 1996 did not say which is the capital but the city houses the Federal Parliament anyway.
Their military force is called the Flash Defense Forces with the name varies from languages to languages (e.g. Forsvaret for Tilenogtyvean and Ageværan, Kaitsevägi for Kormian and Honvédseg for Kiralsian) and consists of 3 branches: the Army, Marine (Navy), and the Luftforsvar (Air Force).
They use mostly domestic equipment but they are a lot of foreign stuff too, such as the F-15E.
FLPAT (M05 - Used by all branches)
Forsvaret Total Personnel: 1,122,000
Active: 542,000
Reserves: 580,000Army
Flashia In A New World
ActionThe Federal Republic of Flashia had been living their day like the other day, when suddenly they found themselves under an alien skies. Reborn from the ashes of a bloody series of wars, this Federal Republic would have to face the new challenges th...