Broken Arrow

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[Rewritten To Strike Back]

Around the same time as the Havenklein counteroffensive
The Flash Navy places one of its Carrier Strike Groups on the blue waters after having been ordered to make their move at 0000, midnight to conduct an operation, the FMV Luftskibinfiltrator along with its 4 destroyers and 6 frigates are part of it.

The fleet is located at the North-East of the occupied island, just over the horizon. And according to the FIIA, none of their movement movement has been detected by the enemy so far despite the so-called 'detectors'.

Being in contact with Esterria means they also made contact with some mages, who told them in multiple cases that none of their people and other things contained even a single slight hint of magic signature as if they weren't alive at all. Owing to the fact that as far as they know, the detector cannot pick up something with 0 magic, this meant that they have total element of surprise.

The Kingdoms Union won't know what would hit them until it was already unfolding.

Sebastian and Jonas are now scrambling as the operation is now greenlighted with their equipment on and helmet held by their hand. One might remember them for scaring the crap out of the Esterrians back then. The pilots ran across the hallway to the carrier hangar, where their Hornet is waiting for them there.

Eventually, they made it, while other aircrafts are already taking the lift to the deck one by one. Their best friend, the F/A-18D is sitting there, with wings folded and canopy open. Without any hesitation but with also some slight trippings, the twos climb onto the aircraft, and jumps into the cockpit of the white fighter jet.

"Been awhile since we did something real like this right Sebastian?"

"That was a recon mission, this is a combat one for fuck sakes!"

"Ah well, we still get to soar the skies doing some real shit"

"That... I can agree"

As they put on their helmets, a tow tractor then came into view, as it reverse to the front of the aircraft, it's their turn to get onto the elevator.

"Looks like we're next..."

The towing tractor gets into position with the man in blue on the left side of the vehicle, before they started to slowly move as they navigate through the busy hangar.

"OI! CLOSE THE CANOPY WILL YA?" shouted the crew on the tractor, prompting the pilot to do what he asked for.

The aircraft gradually moves to the elevator of the carrier, and when they get there, the tractor reverse to get the fighter into place before detaching from the front landing gear of the aircraft. Soon enough, the elevator lifts the jet up to the deck, and as they're getting there with the deck now in view, they can see the other fighter jets launch off the carrier at high speed.

Upon their arrival, the rails were sent down to make way for the aircraft, as another tow tractor is already there to move them towards one of the catapult. It has been awhile since something like this was first done, yet it still feels strange somehow.

Normally, Navy aviators on carrier often has to get to the catapult on their own. This practice only trickled in some days after they realized they were in a completely different world and started saving on oil reserves.

Speaking of oil, the North Western area of Agevær has oil rigs set up to drill up some black gold, though not as much as some region of desert that characteristically could not have peace for even 30 seconds. They still have a role nonetheless, causing a lot of concerns with the KUG's invasion of Gevaka.

Because of how loud the flightdeck is to the crew on foot and the sound being completely muffled for the pilots, Jonas and Sebastian will have to rely on hand communication for things to go smoothly.

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