What Comes After

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Kingdoms Union Gestrae HQ, La Ferdina
An emergency meeting was called upon in the aftermath of the news of the Northern Expedition being wiped out in the unpopulated island of Flashia. The subject of discussion by now is completely obvious to everyone.

The Empress of La Ferdina didn't want this meeting as she is seen facepalming, but nevertheless, it had to be called upon for the best. Reine Bethune would stand up from her seat amidst the chattering in the room.

"All representatives..." said the Empress "May I have order so we could start this meeting?" at which the room gradually went silent "Thank you" and after that, she would clear her throat as the meeting officially starts.

"I have called upon this emergency meeting of the Kingdoms Union Gestrae today, is what I admittedly don't want, but had to address. Yesterday, the Fideral Republic of Flashia has officially wiped out our hundred thousand-strong Northern Expedition"

The news was indeed bad, REALLY bad as this uncivilized nation had possessed some kind of capability to wipe out the entire 7-nation-army.

"However, they could only achieve that by the fact we sent so little troops while they had a million soldiers. So we must present a united front against this barbarian nation and traitorous Esterria, and only then we could finally conquer this republic!"

The state members' representatives nodded to the words of Bethune, as they had their hopes up amidst the uncertainty.

"Oh and another thing, we will need support from the rest of Kingdoms Union, for I, Empress of La Ferdina believes that with all the might of our Union, the conquest of Flashia will be more inevitable!"

As the Empress finished up on her speech, a chuckle was heard among the representatives. There was no one but the King of Naeslagtland himself, Madsen IV.

"What is the laughing matter here King Madsen?" the empress asked with annoyance in her tone.

"Please, the conquest of Flashia will be more inevitable? Ridiculous I say!" the King boldly proclaims "They did not win because they had numbers on their side! They actually had significantly less soldiers fighting there! Even if we had the support of the strongest, none of us would be able to emerge victorious, much less a pyrrhic one..."

Though not the first time over the time period of a few months, Reine was thrown into a rage once again. Significantly less soldiers fighting in the island? She thought Madsen's claim was far more ridiculous than any monarch should have been.

"And before you ask for evidence, here is my proof!" as he raised up a paper in his hand, not giving the Empress a chance to say anything further "This is a document from Esterria, collected by, and translated by the Royal Intelligence Corps of Naeslagtland..."

He then clears his throat before proceeding: "Reports on the Battle of Gevaka, also known internally as Operation Firestorm. Approximately 3 thousands troops were sent to secure the coastal area, then an additional 2 thousands arrived afterwards. At the end of the battle, Kingdoms Union Gestrae Northern Expedition suffered hundreds of thousands of loss in personnel while Flashia only had 123 wounded and 40 deaths in return"

With the words read loud and clear, gasps of shock would erupt.

"NONSENSE!" yelled the Empress "All of those thing are just baseless propaganda designed to instill fear into us! To make our unity against hostile elements weaker!"

"If I were to be honest, I would have thought that too" replied the King "But we checked not not, not twice, not even three times, but eight times and all have confirmed that this is the case whether you like it or not... Now if you excuse us" as his entourage stood up from our seat "We have our own affairs to deal with.

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