Shots Fired

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Somewhere off the coast of NaeslagtlandA ship without any insignia whatsoever is seen chasing a ship with a Naeslagtlandic one

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Somewhere off the coast of Naeslagtland
A ship without any insignia whatsoever is seen chasing a ship with a Naeslagtlandic one.

"They can run, but they will die trying!" shouted the captain of the ensign-less ship "Come on lads! Get them!"

It should be noted that this particular ship is sailing faster than the Naeslagtlandic ship, meaning that they will reach their target in no time. As they closed distance, the pirates had some "nice" words to say about the other ship while at the same time, getting themselves ready for the boarding.

And that is when a chopping sound appeared, slowly but surely pushing the sound of the waves crashing to the side much to pretty much everyone's confusion. The pirates on the deck turned towards the source of such sound, and it turns out there is something in shades of grey and green with something spinning over its head.

The object was clearly heading towards them, being nearer and nearer before it began to slow down upon getting close enough.

"This is the Esterrrian Royal Army!" a voice echoes out from the bird, louder and clearer than the chopping itself "You are to stop and surrender immediately or face consequences!"

The captain of the ship scoffed at the now known ERA bird.

"What toy they got there..." mumbled the captain "Just fire a shot at them"

A pirate sailor then brought out his trusty musket, shoving a bullet into the bore with a rod before putting said rod back to its position under the barrel. The hammer is cocked and he took aim at the thing while trying to fight back the blowing wind caused by the spinning blades.


A pull of a trigger propelled a ball at the object, only for it to bounce off the body that would make a rather metallic sound upon impact. The flying object would stay there, not saying anything, giving some pirates some chill as they pick up some omminous feelings...


The ship was suddenly hit on its starboard side, source of the shot unknown to all of them, sowing even further confusion and fear amongst them.

"What in the gods' names was that?!"

"I don't know, it came out of nowhere!"

"Where was it?!?"

While the crews panicked, the bird spoke again.

"I warned you"

The shot didn't do much damage against any vital parts of the pirate ship, but it was enough to send everyone into a frenzy. The captain tried everything he could to rally up his men, but the morale is just too low for anything to work. He then turned to the spinning wing object, in horrors and in realization what he found himself into.

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