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also look at this anim I'm making


Alan stared at the human before Petr, taking on a cautious stance.

Northern La Ferdina
"Člověk?" (A human?) he muttered.

"Hej, je na naši straně!" (Hey, he's on our side!) replied Petr "Uklidni se!" (Calm down!)

"Já vím, ale já myslel, že lidem jde o to, aby si prosadili svou nadvládu?" (I know, but I thought humans are all about asserting their dominance?)

"Všichni takoví nejsou!" (Not all of them are like that!)

"Hey uh, gentlemen?" the human in grey spoke out "Is something the matter?"

"Oh sorry no!" Petr then turned back to him "It's just that our friend here is a little paranoid about humans"

"Z dobrého důvodu, Petr..." (For a good reason, Petr) Alan whispered "Z dobrého důvodu..." (For a good reason...)

"Ah, I see... can't exactly blame him for that..." the man then stand up, putting his hand on his chest "I just want to make it clear that I'm from the FIIA, not from any other Kingdoms Union's organizations"

"FIIA...?" Alan spelt it out in a bewildered tone.

"Federal Investigative and Intelligence Agency? Like from Flashia? Флашия?" (Flashiya/Flašija)

"Jste z té republiky?" (You're from that Republic?)

"Yes, indeed" 'Alexander' nodded.

"Jak jste se tam dostal?" (How did you get in?)

'Alexander' then looks at Petr, not getting the meaning of what he asked. Just to note the only reason he could understand Alan earlier is due to the 'republiky' part which allowed him to fill in the gaps.

"He's asking how did you got into La Ferdina in the first place" Petr translated that for him.

"Ah well... we have our ways, best you do not ask about it..."

"Tak proč jsi tady?" (So why are you here?)

"What's your purpose coming here? He said that"

"Well, I'm here to make a deal with you people... we get information that you could lay your hands on, in exchange for something that could help you in this fight"

"Jako co?" (Like what?)

"He's asking what kind of thing that could help us here"

"You'd see... speaking of which..." he leaned over "Does that satchel there have anything that we want?"

"Ah, almost forgot about that" Petr then turned around to the other sheep "Alan, informance" (Alan, intel)

Alan would then reluctantly get closer, taking off the strap and hand it over to Petr who passed it over to 'Alexander' on the other side of the table.

"Neřekl jsi mi, že to je to, k čemu to je" (You didn't tell me this is what it's for) he whispered to his superior.

"Omlouvám se za to..." (Sorry about that...)

The human then opened up the satchel and reviewed the content inside. He could see the papers and notes taken by the few members of this particular group with some illustrations as well as a document in La Ferdinan. Where and how they got one straight from the La Ferdinan military, he doesn't know, but he's pleased that he got the right one.

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