[NC] art gallery

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is time for some art I made :D

"Is it just me or is the Flash Defense is no longer just Defense?"

"Is it just me or is the Flash Defense is no longer just Defense?"

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Flash Land Army armored assault during the battle of Gevaka

*something in Dutch idk*

An Esterrian Royal Army squad engaging in a firefight somewhere in Eastern Reslania

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An Esterrian Royal Army squad engaging in a firefight somewhere in Eastern Reslania.

"Should we fire a shot?"

"Nah they're fked anyways"

Rooftop Flash Home Guards near KUGNE HQ

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Rooftop Flash Home Guards near KUGNE HQ.

"I thought HK33 is Home Guard only?"

Faldskærmtropper after capturing one of KUGNE's airbases

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Faldskærmtropper after capturing one of KUGNE's airbases.


A (goofy ahh) propaganda from Anatia (not related to FIANV/FIANW, also pls join discord)

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A (goofy ahh) propaganda from Anatia (not related to FIANV/FIANW, also pls join discord)

fk it some trivia time

-Despite relatively high spending for defense, the Forsvaret is rather infamous for their employment of shitty technicals
+) At some point, in the Reunification War, an entire company of G-Wagons and Pasis was once an absolute nightmare to an entire Hatemean Tank Brigade
++) This had only intensified after Flashia got isekai'd

-Esterria has a... rather large stockpiles of ammunitions for M101 howitzers

-Suspension does exists outside of Flashia, however, those are typically what you'd find in Geschnokea and Verdercana only

-Naeslagtland has a well-known reputation of cutting off other's countries' access to the sea
+) Their list of 'victims' includes La Ferdina and Esterria

-Builtish (English) was brought in official use because as it turns out, nobody would understand each other otherwise
+) Kind of like Austria-Hungary but with Nordic-Baltic-Central European-Balkans kind of thing

-Speaking of which, Flashia is loosely based on Austria-Hungary if it was Swiss territory (neutral, before they got transferred) and leaned more to others instead
+) We have the Danes, the Swedes, Norwegians, Icelandics, Finns, Estonians, Hungarians, Poles, Croats, Serbs and the Bosniaks
++) Which also means you can expect to hear 'My Dad is a War Criminal' being blasted from the Flash side

-Naeslagtland is based on Norway

-Like with Jetemeans (the original world's equivalent of the French), Flash often has a distaste towards La Ferdinan (especially since they use slavery)

-Flashia was rather infamous for their intolerances towards slavery
+) So much so that they once invaded a country half across the world away (alongside others) in the 1960s
++) They also once crucified convicted slave owners once the abolishment was established during the Flashic Empire days

-Gladahjuland may have been responsible for converting some E into A in the Tilenogtyvean language (pansar, ar/är)

-Esterria is often informally divided into 2 parts: The North and the South
+) The North is the rich, united Dutchmen kind of thing while the South is poorer, also being more of a hot mess with various ethnic group involved

-Naeslagtland uses marches that more or less the same as their Flash counterpart (especially Agevær)
+) An example of this is Jegermarsj for the Naeslagts and Flashia's/Agevær's Gammel Jegermarsj

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