Rewritten 'Sidst Kamp'
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KUGNE Headquarters
At the heart of the island known as Gevaka, lies a castle surrounded by things that you would expect from a town... except it wasn't a normal town. It's one occupied by solely military personnel and is where the whole expedition is organized as it is the headquarter of the Expeditionary Command.It's supposed to be one of the most heavily defended infrastructure known to Gestrae, boasting layers of defense that one could only look upon in awe while failing and failing to penetrate through. And yet all of them were tore down by Flashia like there wasn't even a thing stopping them in the first place.
"Are we just going to stay here and defend this castle from the so-called 'barbarians'?" questioned a soldier in terror.
"I'm afraid so, we will have to defend against whatever they had..." replied his fellow who isn't any better.
Ever since they broke through the HQ defense, many have began to cast doubt over Flashia's status as a 'barbarian nation'. In their minds, and also the norm, such nations with such designation should've only have primitive technology that pales in comparison to one civilized army, let alone 7.
Nonetheless, defied the existing logic deeply ingrained to the citizen of the 'Civilized World', the Federal Republic did. Despite apparently not having magic at all, with the mage looking like as if they were looking at a fragment of their imagination, yet real, Flashia possessed materiels of unmatched level that they could not possibly keep up with.
If the reports are to be believed, they had extremely accurate 'black muskets' that can shoot multiple times before stopping to reload, although even that process seems to be extremely quick, 'self-propelled siege engine' that uses a cannon instead of a ram and even fighter jets which were supposedly used solely by Verdecana as it was their invention in this world.
"Gods of the Heavenly Order, please give us thy blessing so that we shall survive..."
Positioned right outside the walls of the castle are dismounted infantrymen from various unit, of the 198th Regiment from the Mariner, 125th Kawagrzmotian Hussars and the 217th Brigade, both Land Army, all are just waiting around 'Point Essence' for the clearance to go in guns blazing
Owing to the sheer size viewed from the outside, Command had decided to divide the castle into three sections. The central section would be handled by the Hussars, the Western one would be taken care of by the 217th and the East being the responsibility of the Marinesoldater.
"So when are we going in again?"
"Anytime now..."
"You said that like 20 times already..."
With the amount of time spent on just waiting, one would've got shot at already. But they didn't, as the windows where the defenders could use to fire from are being watched closely and anyone that dared to use them always had one or more bullets waiting for them. Results may vary though.
And it's because of this fact alone that the occupiers inside gave up on taking their chances to fight what is out there after awhile. It just seemed like a curse for them that something out there just wouldn't let them.
"HQ just called in" the Mariner SL walked up to his squad with his RTO (radio operator "We got the green light now, we're going to breach and clear the castle"
"Finally! I was wondering if we had to stop here..."
With yet another newfound excitement, the Flash troops stationed here readied up for the last time, magazines were ensured full, the chambers checked to see if each and one of them has a cartridge in.

Flashia In A New World
ActionThe Federal Republic of Flashia had been living their day like the other day, when suddenly they found themselves under an alien skies. Reborn from the ashes of a bloody series of wars, this Federal Republic would have to face the new challenges th...