"As all of you probably have known already" said the empress of La Ferdina, the superpower of the Gestraen continent "I have called up an emergency meeting to discuss what had unfolded before us in Flashia"
Kingdoms Union Gestrae Headquarters, 12/4/1702
The Kingdoms Union Gestrae, consisting of pretty much every single existing monarchies in the continent of Gestrae except for Esterria, was given a shock never seen before."Representative of the Kingdom of Saogaulia, would you please break down the situation to us?"
"Yes, Empress Reine Bethune of the La Ferdinan Empire" Pires X stood up "As you might have known earlier, our spying mission in the barbaric country named Flashia ended in disaster, out of 85 spies we sent, only 4 managed to escape, the rest were caught and are now imprisoned"
Chattering amongst the representatives, or rather monarchs of the member states ensued.
"Not only that, but our mission were cut short by 3 days, this means we suffer from a lack of information about this republic" said the Hendrolisan representative, King Martelis.
And then, a slam to the table was heard, and King Savić of Gošbania sprung up.
"This failure should have never been possible!" he retorted "They even caught the Varikan spies! If the people found out about this, the Kingdoms Union here in this continent will be doomed!"
The empress of La Ferdina replied: "I understand your concerns, dear Savić. However, as long as no one but us knows about it, we should be fine. Now would you please sit down?"
King Savić begrudgingly sit back down, a frustrated face retained all the way through.
"Thank you. Now we shall move onto the Havenklein matter, should we continue the support for our allies' struggle against the traitorous Esterria?"
The representative then had a short discussion with each other before a decision was made.
"Empress of La Ferdina Reine Bethune" the tsar of the Varikan Empire, Ivan "We have reached a concensus that we shall continue sending weapons to our friend"
"Very well" she nodded "Does anyone have any objection?"
The meeting room went awkwardly quiet, as if no one has anything to say other than what has been discussed in mind.
"No one? Then this meeting has end-"
"WAIT!" interrupted Valente Castro... ah well we'll just stick with Pires X* for simplicity sake with a raised hand, much to the surprise of everyone.
"Before most of our spies were caught, one of my spies who barely made it out were able to identify an uninhabited island just North of the traitor's islands. It is apparently big and flat as well"
"...What are you suggesting here Pires?"
"I suggest that we take this island as retaliation and as basis for later missions"
The La Ferdinan empress then had a smug on her face.
"Very well, that settles it then, thank you Pires. Those who want to participate, prepare your forces for the coming days. We will conclude our meeting here, you are all dismissed"
The representatives stood up from their seat, and began leaving the room one by one. Everyone knew what they're going to do, but a certain monarch would still have some uncertainty for the future.
"...I do not know why exactly..." Madsen IV of Naeslagtland mumbled to himself as he continued walking "...But this Flashia... could be a great danger..."

Flashia In A New World
ActionThe Federal Republic of Flashia had been living their day like the other day, when suddenly they found themselves under an alien skies. Reborn from the ashes of a bloody series of wars, this Federal Republic would have to face the new challenges th...