Prologue: Unusual Surprise

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(Tanjuro's point of view)
I stood up after a nurse opened the door and came out of the hospital room. "You can go in now, Mr. Kamado. But be prepared for what you'll see.", she said before going back into the room. I froze in shock after entering to see six babies. "I know, Tanjuro. I didn't expect it to happen either.", Kie said as she held the first of our six children to be born while sitting upright. "It's certainly a surprise and a welcome one all the same.", I answered after walking over and sitting down next to the bed. "Indeed.", she agreed. "What names did you pick?", I asked. "Rana, Nezuko, Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru and Rokuta.", she replied. "They're such wonderful names, so that's what we'll name them.", I said. After two hours, I went home to get everything set up for them. After three days, Kie brought them home at sunset with help from two of the villagers and placed them into the rectangular wooden crib I placed a bedsheet in after making and sanding it down while she was in the village clinic. "It isn't going to be easy to keep Rana, Nezuko, Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru and Rokuta all fed while they're infants.", she said. "True, but taking care of them will get less stressful and challenging since they will be able to help us with chores as they grow.", I responded as she walked over to the stove. "Tanjuro, do you think they'll have to learn to fight with weapons one day?", Kie asked. "Probably. Besides, the beings I often tell you about aren't a myth and can only come out at night, which means we're safe during the day.", I replied. "Then how are we supposed to help the kids defend themselves?", she asked me. "That's what being a warrior is about.", I calmly replied.

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