Chapter 7: Fashioned Dynamics

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(Rokuta's point of view)
After I finished cleaning it, I put away everything I had used to clean the kitchen and walked out of it. After going upstairs, I heard chatter from the bedroom my family and I were sleeping in. I walked towards its opened sliding door and looked to see Mother braiding Rana's dark red hair while Tengen watched. "Mother?", I asked and they turn to me. "You can come in, Rokuta.", Mother calmly replied before going back to her task. I went over to where they were sitting and sat down. "Mother, how come you're braiding Rana's hair?", I asked curiously. "Since she's going to be heading with Tengen to the Corps' headquarters, I'd rather have her hair done than let it be messy.", Mother said as she finished braiding Rana's hair and tied a sun themed ribbon around the bottom of it. "Looks flashy!", Tengen suddenly shouted and I looked at him in disbelief as we got up and exited the bedroom. "Aren't you a pillar?", Rana asked. "Yes. To be precise, I'm the Sound pillar, so I tend to add words related to fashion and sounds to each thing I say.", he replied as we headed downstairs. "You ready to go?", he asked when we reached the front door. "Yes.", she replied. "Do you have to go, Rana?", Hanako asked as we came outside. "Sorry, Hanako. But I'm sure I will be looked after.", Rana replied. "Rana.", Father said. "Yes, Father?", she asked. "Make sure to eat enough food during the daytime and good luck.", Father replied. "Yes, Father and thank you.", she said while they hugged each other. "Don't worry about this place, Rana. We'll try to keep it clean.", I said. "Thanks.", she responded. "Bye!", Rana said as she and Tengen started walking towards the Corps headquarters. "Bye, Rana!", we replied while waving at her.

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