Chapter 1: Bravery

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(Kie's point of view)
After going into the kitchen to make dinner for us, I felt a evil presence from outside and slowly turned around to see a person standing outside in the moonlight. At the same moment he moved his feet to begin running towards me, Hanako ran past me with a knife in her left hand. "Get away from her!", she shouted as she bolted outside. "You will pay dearly for the intervention, Hanako Kamado.", the man coldly responded. "Like the hell I care and I'm not going to just go down without a goddamn fight!", she shouted. Upon noticing the newcomer's red eyes had slits in them, I knew right away he wasn't a human. "Kie!", Tanjuro shouted as he ran into the room. "So that damn monster actually found us.", he said with his eyebrows pointed downwards while holding onto me. "Mother!", Rana said as she ran in. "She's going to be okay, Rana.", he answered. "Father, what's going on?", Rokuta asked as he, Takeo & Shigeru walked out of our shared room. "I will tell you all everything tomorrow. Right now, help Rana & Hanako keep your mother safe and alive. Nezuko should be back soon to join you.", Tanjuro responded. "Understood.", our three boys said as they went outside with Rana. Within ten minutes, Nezuko finally got back to the house and ran over to help after seeing what was happening. After twenty minutes of intense battling, our kids turned towards us with bad injuries after forcing the person to flee. "Sorry, Mother, but that man was able to get away.", Rana said apologetically as they came into the house. "It's okay, Rana. You all did the best you could to drive him off.", I responded. "That man isn't a human, but the demon king.", Tanjuro said. "YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME, TANJURO!", I yelled in response.

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