Chapter 9: Garden Butterflies

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(Kanae's point of view)
After reaching the Butterfly Mansion, Shinobu and I walked through its entry to see Aoi placing the laundry on the clothesline to let it dry. "Aoi.", I said and she turned. "Oh, hi, Kanae.", she replied as we came over to help her. "Do you have anything to say about whatever went on while you were over at headquarters?", she asked. "If you're referring to today's meeting, then yes I do. At the master's request, Uzui returned to headquarters with the oldest of the Kamado children, Rana.", I replied. "The Kamado family is alive?", she asked. "Yeah. The master said she and her siblings, all of whom are the same age as her, took on the demon king last week and were badly wounded.", Shinobu replied. "Why the hell would they do that?! That's such a dangerous thing to do!", Aoi shouted. "I know. But even when they were facing danger, they didn't allow fear to hold them back and fought fiercely to defend their parents from him.", I replied as we walked into the Butterfly Mansion after placing the last piece of laundry onto the clothesline. "Say, Kanae.", Aoi said. "Yes?", I asked. "Where is Rana at the moment?", she asked. "At the master's mansion with him and his family because he specifically requested Uzui to bring her to headquarters for the concept of having her begin training to become a pillar once her injuries fully heal.", Shinobu replied. "Why? Isn't there already fourteen pillars?", Aoi asked. "Well, yes. But it would seem the master knows something about their bloodline she isn't aware of yet.", I responded. "I see.", Aoi said. "Kanae!", Kanao said as we entered the hospital ward. "Oh, hello, Kanao.", I responded while walking over to where she was. At that moment, Kiyo came into the room holding a cart with food on it.

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