Chapter 3: The Sound Pillar

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(Nezuko's point of view)
I didn't know who this person was, but he looked to be friendly and his sleeveless outfit meant he was a swordsman. In addition to that, he had wristbands made from fabric and red and green nail polish on his fingernails. "Geez, this guy is super into fashion.", I thought. "Are you all the Kamado family?", he asked. "Yeah, that's us.", Hanako responded and he joined us when we continued walking forwards. "Say aren't you a demon hunter?", Rana asked. "Yes. I'm Tengen Uzui.", he replied. "Nice to meet you.", Rokuta said. "Thanks and I don't think it'd hurt if you told me your names.", Tengen replied. "Tanjuro, Kie, Rana, Nezuko, Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru & Rokuta.", we said. "I take it you and your family are heading towards the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters, Mr. & Mrs. Kamado?", he asked. "Yes and before you ask, yes we know how long it'll take to get there.", Mother replied. "Is there a particular reason why?", he asked. "If you must know, we had a encounter with the demon king last night and our children took him on in order to defend us.", Father replied. "Are they out of their damn minds?! They could've died!", Tengen snapped. "But we didn't and we're very grateful for it because of this.", Rana replied as I handed her the family sword while it was in its sheath. "Unfortunately, this is the only sword we have.", she said. "Speaking of which, how old are your children, Mr. & Mrs. Kamado?", Tengen asked. "All six are fourteen.", Mother responded. "They were all born on the same day?!", he shouted. "Yeah, they were.", Father replied. After a while, Tengen looked at me. "Do you need anything?", he asked. "Somewhere to heal.", I replied. After we climbed in, he grabbed the cart's handles and used his speed to reach his estate quickly.

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