Chapter 10: A Flame's Love For A Sun

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(Ruka's point of view)
After making it back to the manor holding two fabric bags, I noticed Kyojuro walking towards the manor while happily smiling with a deep blush on his face. "Oh, boy. It looks like Kyojuro fell in love.", I thought as I went inside with the fabric bags in my hands while shaking my head in disbelief at what I was seeing after letting out a sigh. "Ruka, what's up with Kyojuro?", Shinjuro asked as I handed him one of the fabric bags and followed him into to the kitchen. "He appears to have seen someone he fell for.", I replied as we place the groceries on the counter. "But who?", he asked. "That I'm not sure on, but I have no reason to doubt we will find out.", I replied as I grabbed some of the food from the fabric bags. After making lunch and coming into the dining room with it on a metal tray, I put it on four glass plates Shinjuro had grabbed from the cupboards as our two sons came in and sat down on their knees at the same time as we did. "Kyojuro, who was it you saw over at headquarters?", I asked Kyojuro and he looked at me. "The oldest born child of the Kamado family.", he responded. "They're all alive?! But how?!", Shinjuro asked. "The master said the family's six children bravely took on the demon king and forced him to flee by besting him last week. Consequently, all six were badly wounded and the teen I saw is presently in the master's care.", Kyojuro replied. "Speaking of which, just how old are the Kamado family's six children?", I asked. "I don't know for certain. "I'd have to ask.", he responded. "Do you know where the rest of the family is?", I asked. "Probably over at Uzui's estate.", he replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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