Chapter 4: Inside The Sound Estate

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(Takeo's point of view)
After we made it to his estate, Tengen helped us climb out of the cart and parked it on the grass. He then led us into his estate and had us wait in the living room. "This place is huge!", Shigeru said. "No kidding, Shigeru.", Rana replied in agreement. Hanako suddenly shrieked and we looked to see two mice standing in the kitchen entrance. "Sorry about that, Hanako.", Tengen said in a apologetic tone as he came back into the room with some medical supplies in his hands. "Are they yours by any chance?", I asked him as my two brothers, three sisters and I lifted up our clothing so he could tend to our wounds. "Yes. They're two of my muscle mice.", he responded as he wrapped bandages around our bodies after putting ointment on the scratches we had gotten the night before. "Is this the reason why they're wearing the same jeweled metallic headband as you are?", Rana asked. "Well-", he was suddenly cut off when three young women tackled him after he put the medical supplies on the table. "What are you three doing?", I asked and the three young women noticed us. "Lord Tengen, who are these people?", they asked him as they got off him so he could sit up. "Makio, Suma & Hinatsuru, this is the Kamado family. They will be staying here until these six have recovered from their injuries.", he replied. "Nice to meet you all.", they greeted. "Nice to meet you three too.", Rana replied. "Do you have any interest in any of our three girls?", Mother asked Tengen. "No because I already have three lovely ladies as my wives, but I have a feeling one of my fellow warriors might take a liking to the oldest of your six fourteen year olds.", he calmly replied while looking at Rana.

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