Chapter 2: Departure & A Fashion Loving Swordsman

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(Rana's point of view)
"Wake up, Rana.", Father whispered. "Is it time already?", I whispered back as I woke up and carefully got up out of my futon while the sun started coming out. "Yes, so help me wake up your mother, brothers and sisters so we can gather our belongings and put them all into the cart outside.", Father whispered again. "Okay.", I again whispered back in reply. I crawled over to Shigeru's futon and started shaking him lightly. "Wake up, Shigeru.", I quietly said. "Rana.", he sleepily replied as he sat up in his futon. "Is it time, Rana?", Hanako whispered as she and Rokuta also woke up and sat upright. "Yes it is, Hanako.", I quietly replied and they crawled over to Nezuko and Takeo's futons to wake them up. After a hour, we had all woken up and put our stuff and the family's heirloom in the cart. "Hey, Father?", Hanako asked after we started pulling the cart forward. "Yes, Hanako?", Father asked. "What's with the man we fought against last night not being human?", she asked. "I'd like to know that as well.", Mother agreed. "Like I said last night, he's the demon king.", Father replied. "What turned him into a demon in the first place?", Takeo asked. "That part I'm not sure.", Father responded. While they were chatting, I noticed a shadow and turned around to see a person leaning against the wood of a tall tree whist standing on a tree branch with his arms folded. "Who is that?", I thought. "Rana, what's wrong?", Takeo asked. "We aren't alone.", I replied. "It seems that sister of yours saw me.", the person said as he jumped down from the tree. As he came over, I saw he had what appeared to be two metallic armbands on his upper arms and a jeweled headband on his head.

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