𝓗𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓪𝔂

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I awoke the next morning laying face down on my pillow, my naked body covered with a thin sheet

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I awoke the next morning laying face down on my pillow, my naked body covered with a thin sheet. The sun shown brightly through my bedroom window and I just felt..... alive. I rose my head up trying to adjust my sleepy eyes to the light, noting my camera was sitting firmly on my bed next to me with a photo next to it. I softly grabbed it from its spot and chuckled a little when I saw what it was. A picture of Patrick standing in the middle of my room with a shit eating grin on his face, me in the background knocked out, completely naked. That was a photo I'd have to hide for sure.

"Get your lazy ass up Les!" I jumped a little from the sudden sound of Henry from outside my room, thankful it was summer and not a school morning. I just plopped back down, smiling a little into the abyss I call my room. Last night jump started what I knew was going to be an eventful summer, one full of Patrick. Literally, since he knows every single inch of my body now. Speaking of, once I sat up, my body screamed to lay back down from how sore i truly was. My wrists were raw from how tightly he bound them above my head, little trails of fire marks lined my right arm because I wouldn't stop squirming during him eating me out. He punished me with fire, just like he said he would. And nearly tore me apart during sex.

"Les! You up??" Vic's hushed tone had me in a hurry to throw some clothes on, an Aerosmith shirt and skull pants doing the trick for the day. I threw my hair up into a bun, then swung my door open to greet Vic with a little smile. And he knew immediately that something had changed with me. He wasn't stupid. He always knew if something was up. Sometimes it was a curse to be honest.

"No.... Holy shit no.... Did you and Patrick.....?" I practically yanked him into my room, just as I saw Patrick himself coming out of Henry's room from across the hall before I could shut my door, his eyes lingering on me longer than they should have. But Henry wasn't around. So it didn't matter. He seemed..... humored. But simply walked away as if nothing happened.

"Don't announce it to the whole house Vic! I don't want to end up six feet under in the backyard today okay?" I slammed my door shut upon my words, hoping my dad was gone for the day. He usually was by now since it isn't a weekend. He walked around my room with such a smile on his face like he could burst at any given second, noting the photo still laying on my bed, now on my pillow where I left it last. His eyes grew wide, before handing it to me with a blush on his cheeks.

"Wow Les.... that's more of you than I've ever seen. Not that I'm complaining...." I slapped his arm a little with a blush of my own showing, not used to so much sexual attention. Patrick was my very first sexual encounter. He literally screwed my brains out for me to have left that photo laying around. If only I knew what trouble I was currently in.
{At The Quarry}

"God this water feels fucking fantastic!" I practically glowed within the sunlight as I swam in the water that I could only guess was technically filth water

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"God this water feels fucking fantastic!" I practically glowed within the sunlight as I swam in the water that I could only guess was technically filth water. Yet, I didn't seem to care. It was summer, and i was having fun. Bev was grinning from ear to ear, seeing I was wearing the bathing suit we snuck out of a store together because my dad sure as hell would never approve of me owning this. Let alone wearing it.

"And your love marks look fantastic! Where do you get those?! I would love to have my own...." She winked at me in playfulness, knowing exactly where they came from but giving me a hard time. She loved doing that. She was like the little sister I never had. Only dreamed of.

"Her dark Prince. That's where." I jumped a little from Patrick's sudden voice in my ear, so caught up in my own thoughts that I never heard him sneak into the water behind me. His arms looped around my waist, never once moving his lips from my ear.

"So, did you enjoy your little alone time with Criss in your room? Did he like the photo? Because from what I heard he really enjoyed it....." His whispered words sent a shock of fear through me. He never left the hall. He must have came back when he heard the door slam. Shit.....

"It's not like that Pat...." His grip on me tightened, his fingers suddenly digging into my skin so harshly I had to hold back a yell from escaping my lips.

"Better not be princess. You won't like what happens if it is. I told you, you can't sleep with anyone else." During this whole exchange, Bev kept looking over at us because she could see the fear on my face. Yet, I didn't want to be away from him. I'm fucking crazy. Psycho.

"I'm not a slut Patrick." I muttered the words with such hatred, I was fuming now. Everyone thinks I'm the town slut. Amusing. His low chuckle in my ear only caused goosebumps to form on my skin, his grip finally easing a bit. Jealousy. He was jealous? He slowly kissed my neck, leaving a bite here and there, sucking on my skin before anyone else could see. Thankfully, Henry, Belch and Vic weren't around. That means Patrick followed us. Followed me. As usual.

"You're mine Leslie. Don't forget it." I closed my eyes with the sudden urge to attack him in the water about to outdo me, yet I held my own. He drove me absolutely insane in the best way. And I absolutely hate the way he makes me truly feel. I can't ever love this guy. Because it's not in our nature. But fuck, if he doesn't make me feel everything all at once. This summer was shaping up to be eventful. If only I knew how eventful.

𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓵𝔂 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓸 {A Patrick Hockstetter Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now