𝓢𝓱𝓾𝓽 𝓤𝓹 𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝓛𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓷

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I jumped out the van as quickly as possible with Patrick's warnings behind me, not giving two shits what he said at that given time. I was beyond pissed, hurt, terrified of what was to come in this shithole I've called home my entire life. I walked and walked until my feet lead me directly back home, my tear stained face and red puffy eyes indicating just how hurt I truly was. But a sudden burst of dread overtook me. That's when I knew, something was wrong. Deathly wrong. I slowly crept into the front door with my eyes scanning my entire environment. Dad was still here. The tv was going.

"Dad....?" No answer. I slowly walked towards his chair, nearly slipping on something glistening across the floor. Blood.... My eyes widened I utter horror from the sight of it all, slowly walking further into the living room to reveal my dad, completely covered in blood, having been dead for what seemed like minutes from the freshness of it all.

"Oh my gosh...." I did my best not to scream, immediately running from the house with blood soaked shoes and a horrified expression. I knew one day Henry would kill him. But this only told me what I knew was going to happen. It was coming to an end. It was getting what it wanted.

"You shouldn't have come home Les...." I jumped a little from the sudden voice of Belle in my ears, turning to see her little distorted face looking back at my from the front door, a twisted smile upon her face with rotting flesh to follow. I screamed, screamed into the summer air as I ran and ran from the house, when Patrick's van came into view, seeing Henry and the gang was nowhere in sight. Patrick could see the horror in my eyes, jumping out of the van, knowing he'd been following me the entire time.

"You can't run from me forever, Bowers. You have to come with me." But without hesitation, I ran into his arms with sobs leaving me of knowing, knowing I was losing everything. How could I face losing my brother? Patrick? I lost so much already. His arms had wrapped around me in an instant, surprisingly not pushing me away. I couldn't believe he had even come after me, saying what he had said.

"He did it Pat.... He killed our dad. He's gonna kill Vic and Belch, my friends. I can't let him." He slowly brought my chin up with his fingers to eye me, his usual dark look greeting me. He was still Patrick. He wasn't overcome by the darkness of this being that took hold of Henry. But.... we still had so much unresolved issues between us.

"I know.... that's why you have to stay with me. You have to listen to me for once!" He suddenly lifted me off the ground and took me to his van, throwing me into the backseat with a thud, closing the doors behind me with my protests going unheard. I banged and banged on the doors, yelling for him to let me out. I had to help my friends! I can't let them die.....

"Calm your tits, Les!" He finally came to a halt, just as I slammed the doors open and realized where we were. The house on Neibolt. The one everyone dreaded. At least, us kids. But what really caught my eye? Was the firebird parked just outside the house. More blood. Vic. Belch. I immediately ran over, seeing their throats had been slit from one side to the other. They were gone. And I didn't save them.....

"I'm so sorry....." Tears stung my eyes with pain in my heart as my hand grabbed hold of Vic's cold one, wishing I could bring him back. But knowing it's impossible. That's when it dawned on me. Henry is here. Which mean, they are to! I immediately bolted into the house with Patrick on my heel, knowing he would try to stop me, but knew I couldn't be stopped at this point.

"Henry!!" I ran into the basement from all the commotion I heard going on, seeing Mike trapped underneath him in a fight for his life. I immediately kicked Henry off of him, seeing the deranged look within his eyes. He was gone. Truly gone.....

"Hen....?" He eyed me with such a wild look about him, before he nearly lunged for me in an attempt to grab me and shove me down. But Patrick shoved him away as harshly as possible, tripping him up and sending him plummeting down the well directly behind him. I ran to the edge as I heard his screams, my tears of pain dripping down below.

"Henry...." Was all I could say, my eyes stinging with all the tears I had endured. I knew this was it. I knew this was the battle my friends had to face. This thing has left me useless to its power. They were the ones that had to face it. But that didn't stop me from staying here, waiting for them to come out victorious, just as I knew they would.

"Mike? Promise me you guys will stick together. Don't go alone. Get that fucking clown...." He simply nodded as I hugged him to me, yelling down to the others to be careful. I wasn't going anywhere. But knew I couldn't go with them. I could try to distract the son of bitch from up here at least.

"They'll be fine, Les. Don't worry about those losers." I practically shoved Patrick away from me, another battle within me raging on. All because of him. Patrick fucking Hockstetter. From the moment all this started between us, I knew I was in too deep. That I could never escape without falling. And of course, my dumbass did fall for him. The sadist. The asshole. The killer. All of the above. I love the asshole. And I couldn't change that.

"Oh you want to take it out on me...?" He shoved me against the wall with all his might, his hands trapping me within his tight grip on my waist, his black eyes searching mine with a grimace on his face. He knew what this was. He just was.... not prepared to face it.

"You know what...? I do! You're such an asshole Patrick!! You know I love your ass. You know I do! Yet, this is what you do?! You try and kill everyone?! Including me....?" But somehow, he saved me from Henry. He saved my life instead of letting me die, when he originally was supposed to kill me himself. I knew this because that's what I know Henry demanded. What that thing demanded. It wants me dead because I'm not afraid of it.

"I didn't want you dead Leslie! I wanted your ass alive because...... because you mean something to me damn it! You went and fucking lied to me about not falling. You did it anyway!" His lips suddenly landed on mine in a battle of dominance that he always won, knowing I wasn't the only one that fell. Somehow, he felt an emotion he never had before for one person. Love. He still hasn't changed. But towards me? He was..... different. And as my friends ended what had tortured our entire summer, we started something we should have a long time ago.

𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓵𝔂 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓸 {A Patrick Hockstetter Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now