𝓟𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮 𝓜𝓮

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"Did you tell him?" I nearly sighed in disbelief from the fact that Bev would think I could tell Patrick how I truly felt, knowing it wasn't actually possible to do. I knew at some point I had to before I exploded, but right now wasn't the time to ruin a good thing. But when would be? When the end game was happening and I just screamed out I loved him when I thought we were going to die? I knew it was coming, sooner than I ever would like to admit.

"Of course I didn't, Bev. Are you kidding? I'd have a major death wish if I ever uttered those three words to him. He'd hang me from a fucking tree." She chuckled as she flung the remaining bud of her cigarette, stomping on it to contain the fire within it.

"Well I for one think he's a dumbass for not loving you. But to be honest? I think he does. And it scares him shitless." I looked to her in curiosity, questioning that fact more than anything in my entire life. Is he capable of love? I would catch him looking at me in a certain way and he would just look away like it never happened. He's crazy jealous when it seems any other guy is remotely interested in me, even though we're supposed to only be fuck buddies. Even one of his rules is that I can't fuck anyone else.

"Even if you're right, he would never say that out loud. And if I even mention anything, he'll leave. And I don't think I could handle that...." My eyes dropped to the sidewalk below me, having just left from having lunch with Daniel to get a report on my mom. She had been asking to see me. But after last time, I just couldn't. She wasn't my mom anymore. She was gone, under the control of that thing. My nightmares had gotten worse and worse to the point where I would awake screaming in the middle of the night, sometimes when Patrick was still there because he fell asleep. And surprisingly, he would hold me until I fell right back asleep, exiting out the window by morning without making a sound.

"It'll work out. Don't stress it." Just as the words left her mouth, Patrick pulled up in his van, rolling down his window and greeting me with his usual smirk of want. And by want, I mean wanting to devour me.

"There's my girl! Get your ass in Bowers.  Sorry Marsh, but she's mine for the night." Bev winked in my direction with a kissy face directed at me in knowing, just as i practically shoved her in a playful manner, watching as she made her way back towards her place.

"She's a big girl. She can find her way to the nearest dick, okay? Now get in..." The tone of his voice nearly had me tripping over my own feet just rushing to get to the passengers side and sit my ass down before he drug me in himself, the speed of him taking off nearly throwing me forward.

"How's mommy dearest? Any new freak outs?" I practically glared daggers at him from his taunting words, knowing he was trying to bait me into being smart.

"As a matter of fact, no. Not at all. She's just wanting to see me is all. But.... I can't." He eyed me for a brief moment before looking back at the road in concentration.

"Well she did go all psycho on you. Or that thing did. I personally would have punched the shit right out of her. But that's just me." He has such a way with words. I couldn't contain the eye roll that escaped me with a little chuckle of disbelief, his scoff indicating he saw the eye roll.

"Don't roll your eyes. Not unless it's on a count of me making your damn eyes roll. And you know what I mean." He suddenly stopped the van just down the road from his house I noted, knowing what was about to happen. And anticipating it more than anything. He was the perfect distraction, the best one I've ever had.

"Get in the back." I knew disobedience wasn't a tolerance of his, but I was currently in the state of mind where I hated him ordering me around, simply because I was in denial of my feelings. I wanted so badly to scream them out. But I knew it was impossible. Which is why I should play the game the way it was designed to be played. And that's to show no emotion other than lust, pleasure, sexual tension, desire. Be like him, was the key.

"Fine. But don't except me to make this easy on you Patty. Work for it." I confidently hopped down out of the van and causally walked to the back, opening the doors and nearly getting thrown in by Patrick suddenly looming behind me like the dark Prince he is. Having shoved me down, he grabbed ahold of both of my legs and quickly flipped me over onto my back, shoving me further in and slamming the doors behind him in one swift motion, his black eyes penetrating me in the most intense way imaginable.

"Work for it....? Funny. I don't seem to remember you being the one that calls the shots in this relationship Les. Keep on talking to me like that and it won't be pretty." I slowly backed up until he gripped my legs in his tight hands, keeping me from moving any further away from him. He made sure the doors were completely locked on the van as if he didn't want anyone discovering his latest crime, swiftly hiking my summer dress up over my waist to reveal the red lace panties Bev yet again, snuck me so my dad would never know. His hungry gaze upon them was enough to send me into a whirlwind of lust.

"It's shit like this that makes me never want to let you go, Bowers. It's when you wear shit like this that drives me insane. It makes me question everything." Of course, he would never elaborate on the matter. And I didn't dare question him. I merely embraced the toxic environment we always found ourselves in because toxic or not, I craved it. More than anything.

"Well then you'll never be able to handle the matching bra I'm wearing." In the most teasing manner possible, I lifted my dress up and over my head to reveal the bra in question, matching my panties perfectly, igniting a primal growl of desire from his tight lipped attempt at hiding just how turned on he truly was.

"I swear you do this to try and kill me. Is that it?" He was suddenly on me, pinning my hands above my head and softly grinding against the very thin cloth of my panties, feeling my wetness quickly forming with each movement he made. Soft moans escaped my lips as I was trapped in his grip, wasting no time in pulling out his length, pushing aside my underwear to enter me with absolutely no issue, slipping right in from how wet I already was.

"Maybe that's my aim. Maybe I do this to tease you, to question your sanity." I said between gritted teeth, him only driving harder into me with each word I spoke. Seeing him so turned on for me, so much so that he couldn't waste any time taking any of his clothes off, merely pulling himself out of his jeans, was enough to have me spiraling down a path of lust I couldn't return from. I was lost in him.

"Or.... you do this.... to torture me...." He could barely form a sentence from the immense pleasure he was enduring with each stroke he took within me, my tightened walls only edging him further off a cliff he would gladly fall from. He bent down while never ceasing his pace, his teeth locking into the skin of my neck in one harsh motion, drawing blood without caring at all, lapping it up with his tongue in utter bliss.

"Maybe.... you deserve it." Without a second thought, I flipped him over in a swift moment of strength, riding him in full force at top speed, hearing his loud moans from underneath me, only causing my moans to match his in perfect unison. My hands firmly landed on his chest, grinding up and down, taking him deeply within me. His hands dug into my sides in such a harsh manner, feeling his nails digging deeper and deeper, the pain only edging me on. Riding him felt like complete heaven, my movements sloppy from the oncoming of my orgasm, knowing I was going to burst.

"Fuck Les! Ride my dick baby....." He suddenly gripped my neck with his right hand, pulling me down to his chest so he could pound into me, the both of us moving in unison. Without thinking, I immediately came all over him, feeling his cum fill me up, the mere sensation sending me into a scream of pleasure.

"Shit Patty!" I collapsed onto him from immediate weakness, my core sensitive from the mere feel of him still inside me, throbbing like mad.

"I don't know what's gotten into you Bowers. But fuck...." I couldn't contain a chuckle from leaving my lips, kissing his chest before rolling off him, the feel of his dick leaving the confines of my pussy nearly making me moan once more.

"I don't either Hockstetter. You just bring out something in me I can't explain." We looked at one another once I got comfortable next to him, thankful blankets were underneath us the entire time. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of saying shit I normally do. He waited for it. But didn't get it. And somehow, I could tell it was driving him nuts. But I wouldn't ruin what we have. We still have a summer to enjoy. And love would not be the subject. Not until it was truly time.

𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓵𝔂 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓸 {A Patrick Hockstetter Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now