𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓔𝓷𝓭

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I exhaled in utter relief from the feel of wind on my face, my hair rustling about behind me with a smile on my face. The open road was ahead of us with nothing tying us down. We felt so.... free. For the first time in our entire lives we didn't feel weighed down by the burden called Derry, Maine.

"How do you manage to look so damn hot just looking out a window?" I chuckled from the sound of Patrick's voice in my ears like the sweetest music imaginable. To me, his voice was like a calling. A calling I never wanted to end. One that had a future so far and bright. We've worked so much since the day my friends fought for their lives. When I lost my brother. Except, he isn't dead. But he might as well be. He floated out of the sewers after everything seemed to calm down, returning to the house in a horrid state with the police just waiting for him. He's now in Juniper with our mother. And as for my friends? We knew this would completely separate us all. Bev was moving, Patrick and I were leaving Derry, if only for the rest of the summer. None of us were the same.

"Watch it or I might just do something to distract your driving mister." I wiggled my eyebrows ever so suggestively, seeing the mere way he shifted in his seat in complete thought of what he knew I meant.

"I wouldn't be against it." He smirked between his words with his eyes slightly shifting to me and, then back to the road. Since both my parents were unable to care for me, considering one is dead and the other close to it, the Hockstetter's agreed to take me in, while Patrick and I waited until we were both old enough to leave this horrid place. But luck seemed to be on our side with talks from Mr and Mrs. Hockstetter of moving out of Derry. They found it to be unsafe. I wonder what ever gave them that impression?

"Believe me, there's going to be plenty of time for that during our drive." Suddenly, his right hand landed on my thigh with a slight stroke of his fingers in a teasing manner, my short, summer dress exposing so much of my body for his enjoyment. Of course, I did it on purpose.

"You don't have a choice anyway, Princess." My core seemed to tingle from his words, wanting nothing more than for him to take me right then and there, if only he wasn't driving. We'd had little to no time to get back to ourselves after everything that happened. Losing Vic and Belch, everyone seemingly distancing further and further away from each other, Henry losing is damn mind, my mom only seeming to worsen with each passing day. And my dad..... I wasn't sad that he's gone. I know that sounds horrible. But the man did nothing but abuse us our entire lives. It felt like a prison, living in that house with him.

"You know Hockstetter, your charm is unbeatable." He simply rolled his eyes with a scoff leaving his lips from my words. We'd had 'the talk' about what we truly were to each other. We knew we had crossed the threshold of just mere fuck buddies. We crossed the line so long ago that we swore we wouldn't and somehow, I didn't regret it. The talk was obviously very...... interesting. Patrick doesn't know the first thing about 'love'. But he knows he feel's something more than just a sexual attraction towards me. Sure, that's a huge part of what we are. But we both know this much more now. And we couldn't deny it forever.

"Don't even start with me Les. By the way, I...... love you too." My eyes slightly widened and my heart picked up the pace from just hearing the words leave his mouth. Even if the way he said love wasn't exactly ideal. But it was Patrick. And it was a start. He must have seen just the mere way I stare at him, the way I always seem so..... so lovesick over him. He knew it for so long, but couldn't say a word because it could be damning to what we have. But he didn't leave me. He didn't stop seeing me when I finally had exploded and told him my true feelings for him. He merely..... tried. Tried to understand. In his own way of course.

"I'm just glad we can actually drive out of that damned town. Even if only for the weekend." We were going to see this new house The Hockstetter's found for us to move to when things are ready to go, seemingly confirming our move to be official. And we were more than willing to go see it alone.

"Just think. You and I living together. My parents would shit if they heard us at night." I chuckled from the mere thought of it all, all the times we've gone at it like complete animals with them just downstairs. We loved the thrill. We were sick. Twisted even. But it's what made us...... us.

"The things we say, the noises we make, aren't ones parents should ever hear." I said with a humored grin as we pulled into the driveway of the new house with a welcoming for sale sign out front, one that screamed out to me from the moment I laid my eyes upon it. So many different scenarios coursed throughout my mind of Patrick and I, ones I had envisioned before. Even dreamed of. A life of us together with no boundaries. I was more than in love. And our lives could fully start. Outside of Derry.

"Well, we must make a warm welcome in this house, shall we?" With the sudden clang of dangling keys upon his finger and his knowing smirk, my eyes widened from what I knew it meant. The house keys......

"They bought it.....?" I nearly cried from the mere thought of it. The joy I actually felt for the first time in a long time. I nearly jumped Patrick, slinging my arms around his shoulders and planting a massive kiss to his slightly cracked lips from the summer heat, still lingering among us.

"I thought I'd be the one to surprise you, Princess. Now, let's make our mark on this house before they do, huh?" He wiggled his eyebrows before slapping my ass, a yelp escaping my lips once I wrapped my legs around his waist, entering the place we would be calling home. For once, I was happy. Truly happy. All because of one Patrick Hockstetter.

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𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓵𝔂 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓸 {A Patrick Hockstetter Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now