𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓘

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Warning: Smut, Smut, Smut.... Just Patrick!

I practically flew home on my my bike in anticipation for the nights ventures with Patrick, a massive smile on my lips from the mere thought of it all

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I practically flew home on my my bike in anticipation for the nights ventures with Patrick, a massive smile on my lips from the mere thought of it all. He had promised a night of lust, pain, excitement. And I wasn't about to miss it. Night time was quickly approaching in Derry and that's when the curfew kicked in, one my dad highly enforced. If we weren't in by the time curfew came around, it would be our asses for sure. And I wasn't about to take that risk.

"Where you been all day girl?" I stopped dead in my tracks from dads slurred words in his usual chair, the light from the tv illuminating the room. He'd already gotten five bottles in and wasn't about to be a real problem. At least not right now anyhow.

"Out with Beverly dad. Just spent time swimming and stuff." I practically ran up the stairs from his usual scoff of knowing, knowing I was bullshitting, but too drunk to care. And so drunk that he'll forget ever asking me. I was running so fast that I ran right smack dab into Vic coming out of the bathroom and heading to the stairs himself, my eyes averting to his flustered face. He seemed nervous to even be standing in front of me right now.

"Come on Vic. We can't keep doing this. You're my best friend. Patrick will have to understand that." He looked at me for a brief moment, before suddenly bolting down the stairs like his life depended on it, leaving me in utter annoyance. Great. Vic won't even talk to me anymore. Honestly, I was still miffed about what they did to Ben. I knew it was mostly Henry. But Vic of course wasn't objecting all that much to it out of fear.

"Lost a boy toy sis?" I practically punched Henry in the arm once he came walking by with a humored laugh leaving his lips.

"Can it Hen. I'm still pissed at you anyway." He stopped dead in his tracks, turning to look me dead in the eyes with such a scowl on his lips. He was always sick of me messing with his fun times.

"You're nothing but a damn buzzkill Leslie. Fuck, I don't get how you have such a whore reputation when you act like fun is nothing but girly shit. All I know is that you need to stop screwing my friends." I wanted so badly to haul off and hit him, but I simply went to my room and placed a chair under the doorknob so no one could suddenly enter unannounced. Locks weren't aloud in this house, except for the bathroom of course.

"Guess Bub got under your skin huh?" I jumped a little in surprise from Patrick sitting in his usual spot on my bed, his shirt already off and his shoes discarded across the room. And his usual unnerving smirk on his hauntingly handsome face. He rose from the bed in such a stride I had no time to react before he was on me, dragging me to the bed and practically throwing me down on it, looming over me in such a menacing way.

"You know, he's got a point Princess. I mean you really don't listen do you? I told you what would happen if you interfered with anything we do...." He started to rip my clothes from my body, not caring if any questions were asked about my shredded clothes, not letting me speak what so ever. He was so lustful his eyes were practically black at this point. Patrick was lost in the darkness and he wasn't coming back anytime soon.

"And I swear if you even attempt to scream during anything I do, it'll be worse for you. So don't." His zippo was suddenly out of his pocket against my now exposed stomach, the flame trailing from my bra line all the way down my stomach to my underwear. I bit down onto my lip so harshly with my toes curled that I could taste the blood trickling down my throat. He grabbed his shirt long discarded and tied my hands together with it to the best of his ability, his hard on so obvious that it was making me completely drenched. And he knew it.

"I always knew you were it for me Les. You can handle pain. And that turns me the fuck on to the extreme. You feel pain without flinching...." He had my bra ripped off and underwear pulled down my legs so quickly that I barely registered it, watching as he took his pants and boxers off, his dick springing up so fast. I was so turned on that I could barely breathe at this point from my thoughts.

"Patrick please.... Just fuck me already!" He suddenly slapped me across the face, igniting a moan from my lips that honestly shouldn't have happened. But shit if I wasn't a mess right now. He was simply smirking, enjoying causing me pain. But I could see the want in his eyes. He was losing it himself. With one swift motion, he entered me and just went for it, pounding in and out with his hand coming to rest around my neck, knowing I wouldn't scream like that. His movements became so sloppy, but so powerful all at the same time. I always felt like I was being torn apart from how fast he went, how deep he got. With his movements never wavering, he leaned down and started biting my neck so harshly, my mind whirling with so many emotions. Our bodies rubbed together like they were meant to be there the entire time.

"Just because you saved my life, it doesn't mean I owe you anything. But you're mine Leslie.... So you better start acting like it..." He suddenly leaned back up and went faster and faster, moans escaping my lips. We finally came together, our labored breathing the only thing I could hear in the moment. The slight breeze from my open window a nice soothing touch on my sensitive skin, I could still feel Patrick in me, even when he pulled out.

"I do Pat... I don't fuck anyone else." He simply looked at me, before lighting a candle on my nightstand that he must have brought, letting it melt a little before leaving little drops of melted wax on my tits, my stomach, anywhere he felt like, he left trails of it. I closed my eyes in utter bliss from the mere sensations coursing through my body.

"Not even those losers? Because you sure like to stand up for them." He suddenly put the flame from the wick to my stomach, leaving it in one spot to slowly start to burn, a yelp leaving my lips before he slapped a hand down over my mouth, his demented eyes searching mine in absolute pleasure.

"You're absolutely beautiful Leslie. A beautiful little fuck toy that no one else can touch. You drive me insane. And I don't plan on letting you go... so don't think about it." He finally untied my hands, putting his shirt back on along with his pants, blowing out the candle and placing back on my nightstand for next time. He could have honestly killed me for what I did, helping Ben and all. But he enjoyed the cat and mouse game, just as he said. He doesn't want me dead. He wants me to play with. To hurt. Do anything he pleases. This summer was only getting started.
Hey guys! I just want to say a huge thank you for reading and voting. It means the world to me. Also, I don't usually write smut. So I'm sorry if it wasn't that great. Lol.

𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓵𝔂 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓸 {A Patrick Hockstetter Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now