𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓢𝓮𝔁 (𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓣𝔀𝓸)

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My naked body connected with the cold sheets of my bed, my smile wider than you could possibly imagine from the mere way Patrick was eyeing me as he toyed with the hem of his pants, his sultry eyes and messy hair the only thing I could focus on

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My naked body connected with the cold sheets of my bed, my smile wider than you could possibly imagine from the mere way Patrick was eyeing me as he toyed with the hem of his pants, his sultry eyes and messy hair the only thing I could focus on. His shirt long discarded, he quickly removed his pants and boxers, freeing his excitement that told me this night was only just beginning.

"Fuck, you're so beautiful Les...." His hands were on my exposed body in the blink of an eye, his wandering hands and lust filled eyes exploring my goosebump filled skin. My eyes began to close in anticipation for what he was going to do, feeling the sudden heat from the flame of what I already knew was his zippo. The flame practically dominated my skin from the pain etched into my stomach, his burning trail lasting a mere minute more, before his lips were quickly attached to mine in the most heated way imaginable.

"Patrick..... I need you.... Please." I could barley manage to say once our lips separated, the pain fading and only feeling euphoric, the feeling completely intoxicating. I craved his touch, I craved the pain, I craved every single inch of him. Nothing was going to stop that. Ever. And I knew this. I was in deep. And I was terrified of the outcome.

"I love hearing you beg princess." He slammed into me without warning, his fluid movements and rapidly beating heartbeat the only thing he could feel once he rammed into me over and over again, his hands making quick work of trapping my wrists within his tight grip above my head, only going faster and faster with his movements. He was testing how far I could go without making a sound, his smirk of satisfaction all that could be seen from above me. My lip was trapped within my teeth to keep from screaming out into the void all the things I could ever say to him, wanting to say to him. But it was locked away. And I didn't know how long I could handle it.

"Pat....." His right hand connected with my neck, another way to test my limits. His grip grew tighter, and tighter, his darkened eyes penetrating mine with his little smirk of knowing in place, his dick never faltering the pace of in and out, my wetness only extending his pleasure further. I was practically throbbing from the feel of his hand around my neck, the feel of him inside me being the thing I crave most. I never wanted this to end.

"Fucking you is what keeps me going..... you keep me going Les. I..... fuck! You drive me insane." He finally released me as a cough escaped my lips, just as we came together as one. Tears sprung to my eyes from the emotions coursing throughout my mind, from the pure ecstasy of the moment. It was overwhelming to say the least. He collapsed atop my chest with ragged breathing, our heartbeats matching perfectly.

"Les... are you crying? Am I that good?" I couldn't help but chuckle from his words, his eyes now looking to see the pure emotion in mine, and he knew the real reason. He just didn't want to talk about it. Because he knew what I would say. And it scared him. Because he knew he'd screw it up. That he'd lose me. And he somehow found himself where he didn't want to be without me. I just didn't know it yet.

"Hilarious. But yes, it was a good birthday present." He narrowed his eyes with a little playful smirk upon his lips, before crawling up my body to leave little bites on my neck, moans escaping my lips from the mere sensations.

"Good? Is that all it was....?" His bites grew harsh, his trail extending further down my chest, leaving little nips on my breasts, his mouth practically attacking my nipples one after the other, sucking with all his might to extend them, leaving them sensitive enough for me to jerk about below him. But his strength kept me down, trapped in his game of lust. His lips finally traveled further and further until he was close to my heat, his eyes never once wavering from mine, even when he found my clit with his tongue. His more than experienced moves nearly did me in, his tongue flicking over my clit in perfect unison with my moans, trying my best to stay as quiet as possible. But failing miserably.

"Patty....." His hands attached to my breast and squeezed with all his might, fondling them to further the pleasure even more so, barley able to contain myself.

"Is it still only good...?" He uttered between flicks of his tongue, before I practically exploded on his face, my eyes shutting with my hands tightly gripping the sheets to keep my screams within.

"Perfect! It's perfect...." He chuckled, darkly to only confirm his thoughts. He knew how he made me feel.

"Don't ever say good again. Because we both know it's not just good. I know what I do to you, Les." He stood from the bed to put his clothes on, watching him with a smile etched on my face from what just occurred. But my thoughts getting the better of me. Summer fun would eventually end. We'd have to face the demon lurking in Derry. This, I knew. But I hated it. Because what if I lost him?

"You do more to me than you'll ever know." He stopped his movements, slowly turning to me with his face void of emotion. He wouldn't give anything away, I already knew. But I just wish I could read his mind, just for one fleeting moment.

"Careful. Don't go down that road. We talked about this. Now birthday girl, relax. Don't hurt your pretty little head over me, okay?" I sighed into the semi darkness of my room, watching him lean over me to leave a gentle kiss on my lips, before exiting out the window he always comes and goes from. I wrapped myself in my cozy blanket to cover to exposed body, tears once again falling from my eyes. I love him. I love that asshole. Even though I told myself I would never fall. But i was weak to him. And I didn't regret it.

𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓵𝔂 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓸 {A Patrick Hockstetter Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now