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My arms tangled around the tree, my legs wrapped firmly around Patrick's waist as he fucked into me with all his might, my eyes practically rolling into the back of my head from pure pleasure. My back kept rocking back and fourth against the tree from the sheer force of his body clapping onto mine, the sounds of our moans filling the entire wooded area around us. We both needed this more than we could ever admit, seeing as how things were drastically changing. Tears stung my eyes from the overwhelming feelings coursing throughout me, one's I couldn't or shouldn't speak aloud. I didn't want to ruin a good thing. But I was more than afraid of losing Patrick every day to something. I almost had before, and that's what terrified me to no end. He was my life.

"God you feel so good baby...." His movements became more fluid with each word spoken, my wetness making it easier for him to angle himself deeper and deeper within me, hitting my core with each pounding movement. My nails were practically digging into the tree, my feet scrunched in my shoes and tight around Patrick, pushing him further and further into me, gaining more traction. It was driving him absolutely insane.

"Pat..... I'm gonna cum!" I didn't care how loud i was, I couldn't help myself. He drove me nuts from how he made me feel. We came together in unison, something we had become good at to be honest, our pants from heavy breathing the only sounds to be heard. He slowly let me down whilst my legs trembled underneath me, wobbly as could be from the hard push of my orgasm. Fixing my hair with a little smirk from Patrick, tucking himself back into his pants and fixing himself further so we didn't just look as if we fucked each others brains out.

"And you wonder why I keep coming back to you Les." I playfully slapped his arm with a grin of my own. But my heart nearly betrayed me. The way I looked at him always gave him to the creeps, simply because he didn't want to know what i was truly feeling. He didn't want anything ruined. Because he himself didn't want to stop this for nothing. He was invested, just as I was. He just hated admitting how he truly felt. He didn't know to be exact. But it scared him in a way he didn't know existed.

"I'm a good fuck. I get it." We simply stared at one another in the darkness of the woods, his lighter suddenly flicked on between us to light our way out of the woods. But we weren't moving, we just stayed in one spot, my heart racing. His free hand suddenly tangled into my hair, pulling me in for a heated kiss that felt different from the others. But the main problem, was Patrick. He didn't, or couldn't, admit the feelings coursing throughout him as well. He wasn't used to that subject. Feelings. According to him, he had none. He inflicted pain, torture, hard, rough sex that he enjoyed more than anything. He burned me countless times, chocked me to the point of breathlessness. But yet, he couldn't kill me. He always stopped himself, when he usually didn't want to. He was starting to see me as something other than a toy. An object. A thing.

"Let's get back to the group. They'll think I've drug you out here and killed you." I chuckled a little once he took my hand and led us down the path we came from towards my house, only to find everyone had scattered for the night, leaving us along by the dimming fire.

"Pat? I don't want things to end with us. That's why I won't say a word about anything. But I do want you to know that if things go horribly bad during whatever we do about that thing, I do care about you, you dipshit." He smirked at me from the ending of my words, seeing the smirk of my own on my lips. I wasn't lying. But he had to know what i was truly feeling.

"Careful Les. Don't go saying things you know are dangerous. And as for that thing, it will die. Don't worry." I wanted to believe him more than anything. And somehow, I did. But the endless fear consuming me that it would take more of the people i cared about, was the worst feeling. It already had my entire family, knowing eventually Henry would kill our father. Which was not a big loss to be honest. He was evil to the core. And I would gladly love him gone.

"Is it so bad that I actually give a fuck about you Hockstetter?" My tone shifted quickly from my raging thoughts, and he hated it. He hated when I used that tone on him, the one where I'm really annoyed, defiant. He hated when I defied him more than anything.

"Watch it Bowers..... don't make me punish you again. Because you know I fucking will." He grabbed my wrists and pulled me to him roughly, eyeing me with such a look, it rendered me speechless. And he loved the power he had over me. He smirked, his cocky, usual smirk and it drove me absolutely insane.

"I guess you'll have to because it's made me realize that I can't hide shit forever. I will for now. But eventually you have to hear me. You know you do." That's when his gaze suddenly softened, like I was breaking his walls down, something I never imagined would happen. His eyes flickered for a brief moment before gathering himself once more, his usual demeanor at play, as if he wasn't phased in the slightest.

"Let's just enjoy some more of this damn summer before battling our demons. Got it?" And by demons he meant the demonic clown from god knows where. Eventually we would have to face that thing, and I wasn't prepared. But I knew I just had to be. But for now, I would listen to Patrick, and just enjoy our summer vacation, even if it was hard to do.

𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓵𝔂 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓸 {A Patrick Hockstetter Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now