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I couldn't shake the feeling gnawing away at me since leaving Juniper Hill, seeing my mother so helpless

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I couldn't shake the feeling gnawing away at me since leaving Juniper Hill, seeing my mother so helpless. But the truth of the matter, is that it wasn't really my mom anymore. She was truly gone. And I didn't want to face that fact. This.... thing, this being, whatever it may be, is completely taking over my family and I don't know how I can stop it. It almost took Patrick. But it didn't succeed in the matter. So instead, it took Belle. And I can't get it out of my head that it's my fault, that I let her be killed. Because let's face it, she's gone. I know this. I can feel it, no matter how it toys with me, she's truly gone.

"You know these books won't kill that fucking thing Les." I decided learning some Derry history was the perfect start to learning any type of clue as to what this could be, dating back to when all the events occurred. I knew Ben had been investigating on his own as well, but I didn't want to involve them unless it's absolutely necessary. I can't lose them.

"I know Pat, but I have to at least try and figure out what the fuck this thing is!" I accidentally yelled the last words of my sentence without even thinking, gaining looks from nearby readers, thankfully not the librarian though. Without a second thought, Patrick eyed me like he wanted to slap me, but applaud me all at the same time. Sure, he was glad I was gaining a backbone, but he hated when I even remotely used it on him.

"Look, you're smart, right? I mean, you have a brain. Of course, you're fucking me so that kinda is a question of your sanity though." I playfully slapped his arm with an assumed smile upon my lips, just staring at Patrick as if he was the only person in the world, basically being all I do now a days. He simply rolled his eyes, a sigh escaping his lips of pure confusion. He hated when I looked at him like that. It freaked him out to be honest.

"Don't go getting all weird on me Bowers. Focus on your books. And I'll focus on your ass in those pants...." He licked his lips in his usual attempt of flirting with me in front of anyone in sight. He didn't care if anyone heard a word he said, he'd say it regardless. His eyes trained on the opening of the chair I was currently sitting in, my ass in full view. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't wearing these exact pants to gain his attention. They were especially tight in that area.

"And focus on calming that massive boner sir." I said in a whispered tone, but with a little smirk playing on my lips. I looked around to see if anyone was eyeing us, but thankfully, no one was. And that was my queue. I immediately placed my hand on his clothed dick, feeling it pulsate from the mere touch of my fingers grazing it. He gritted his teeth, but smirked right back at me.

"You know, I'm thinking of bending you over this damn table, tearing every inch of clothing off of you and pounding you so fucking hard right now.... So watch it princess." I could just feel my panties getting wet from his mere words, wanting it so badly. But knew the consequences were deadly beyond belief. Everyone in town knew my damn father. Imagine that headline.

"Weeeell, maybe tonight you'll get your wish Hockstetter." This massive game we found each other locked in was only getting more addicting with each passing day. So much was happening in my life, but Patrick felt like the only sure thing there was. Although I was terrified for it to go any further in fear of losing him. Feelings were developed. I just simply pushed them away.

"Oh there's no maybe about it baby." We stared at one another as if we were about to pounce, before suddenly, the librarian interrupted with a subtle clearing of her throat and a stern look. We practically jumped apart, but chuckled once she wasn't in earshot, going back to focusing on the book. It was uncertain how we were going to kill this thing, but in the meantime, I had late nights to look forward to.
{At The Clubhouse}
"You know, this is the worst summer imaginable!" I bit my lip to contain my laughter from Eddie's as usual over dramatic tone, his exaggerated arm flailing and motions really setting me off. But, he wasn't really wrong. The only good things I've got anymore are Patrick and my friends to keep me semi sane.

"I don't know why you're laughing Les! Don't think we don't know about you and Patrick sneaking in here to fuck all over the place!" Everyone eyed me for a brief moment from Eddie's words, when it eventually dawned on me. The damn condom we used that one time so we wouldn't make a mess, at my request of course. Patrick must have purposely left it laying about for them to find. I swear sometimes I could slap him.

"You know what Ed's? You caught me! And I'm not ashamed to say I'm having some sort of fun in the madness, okay?" I looked down at the ground below to my now shuffling feet, when a hand suddenly landed on my shoulder, noticing it was Stan with a reassuring smile on his wise face. He was wise beyond his years to be honest. A gentle soul. Always trying to ease everyone when they're in pain.

"Well she's being smart, guys. We won't be having a little terror running around anytime soon. Although I still don't get why you'd even let him touch you." Richie's joke did nothing for me, seeing how annoyed I was getting from his last comment, but the beep beep Richie's from everyone sent yet another smile to my lips. I simply looked around as they talked amongst each other, eyeing The Lost Boys poster I managed to get for the clubhouse to spruce it up some. Ben had done a fantastic job on this.

"Maybe she does because she looooooooves him." I looked directly at Bev from her tantalizing words, her little humored smile telling me the entire story. She could see plain as day how I felt about Patrick. And it scared the absolute shit out of me. At this point, I knew Patrick better than anyone. And he knew me better than anyone. And the thing is, what I have given to him, is everything. And I can't get it back. I never meant to feel anything. I just wanted a simple distraction from my chaotic life. And he was the perfect solution. But unlike anything in my life, this felt right. Like I was meant to be with him. And I knew these feelings were deadly. The mere shadows around his heart and the barriers between us kept it at bay. That's exactly what he wanted.

"What is love? Because if it's what I feel for him, then it's..... it's..... terrifying." No one said a word after that, because none of us had the answer. We were still growing. Maybe I didn't know what real love is. But I'm sure coming close to it with him.

𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓵𝔂 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓸 {A Patrick Hockstetter Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now