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It's been s few weeks since Taylor and Avery had talk in Instagram, and Avery had started shooting the new tv series she was casted, and it was already day seven. Luckily the set was in New York, so she didn't have to take a plane to whatever place they're gonna film in.

Her day in the set was okay and pretty much enjoyable rather than the other movies she did, plus this was also her first time acting for a series she was in as one of the main characters.

She met new people, try new foods that her co-actor offer her (she didn't like most of them since she's always been a picky eater).

“And Cut! You did great, guys!” Fay Riverstone, which was their director said as they all cheered and sigh.

Avery was exhausted but she still wanted to get coffee before going home. She brought Robin with her since she felt bad for the cat maid that keep taking care of her cat whenever she's gone, and she didn't trust Pierre enough to leave her in his apartment alone.

As she got inside her car, placing down the cage like bag that has Robin in it on her side as she sat ok the drivers seat.

Robin meowed, wanting the brunette to let her out of the bag cage.

“No, I am not letting you out again.” She says as if she was talking to her kid or something, but it's really just her cat.

One time she let Robin out of her small cage on the car and she instantly went to Avery who was driving as she almost hit a car because Robin's tail was in her face.

But even though the fur ball had caused her so many death experience. She still wouldn't give her up or exchange the orange feline for the world.

She came across the same coffee shop she goes to almost everyday for the past weeks to get the same black coffee order because she was to lazy to buy a coffee machine again because her recent one brokedown, and she felt like her teapot would feel like she had betrayed them by buying one again.

She parked right across the street of the small building. Grabbing Robin and putting on the cage bag before getting out of her car.

As she crossed the street, heading into the coffee shop. The door’s bell rings as she entered the front door of the building. Her eyes looked around it first to notice there wasn't a lot of people and they were mostly old ladies chit-chatting.

As she went to the counter, noticing the same familiar bleached hair she spotted at the fancy restaurant a few weeks ago.

Taylor turned around to see the brunette actress standing behind her, and a smile crept up on the singer's lips.

Taylor was wearing glasses and at first Avery thought she mistaken someone as Taylor but she realized it was actually just her.

“Avery?” She says waiting for the actress to confirm it.

“Yep, that's me.” Avery said nodding as she stands next to Taylor, ordering her usual cup of coffee.

“How do i keep bumping into you in random places?” Taylor asked playfully while she chuckled.

“I don't know, but it's nice seeing you again.” She says, smiling at the blonde.

Taylor had noticed the brunette was carrying was seems like one of the bag cages she got at home.

“Wait- is that a cat?” She says excitedly pointing at bag that Avery was wearing.

“Yeah, it is. You like cats?” The actress asked as Taylor went to her back to look at Avery's cat.

“Are you serious?! I love cats! I have two cats actually. Olivia and Meredith!” Taylor said in awe as she saw the orange fluff ball on the brunette's back while she bends her knees.

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