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Taylor Swift is a snake?!? Here's the full explanation.


•Kim Kardashian Leaked a private phone call of Taylor Swift and Kanye West for the song "Famous"

"Wait it's legit National Snake Day?!?!? They have holidays for everybody, i mean everything these days!🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍"
-Kim Kardashian


“Can I get one of those vodka cranberries?”

Taylor found herself alone in a bar in New York City. She landed yesterday night. She once again sneaked out of her apartment while Spencer was watching some wrestling in the other room of her apartment. None of her friends were in town, Selena had to stay in LA for a while. Gigi had a fashion show in Paris, and Blake was busy taking care of her children, so she was very much alone again.

Nothing was working to keep her mind off the brunette, She was still ignoring her though, and what's the best way to keep her off her mind? Right. Definitely not drinking but here she is, 2 glasses down as she stares at Avery's text last week. She didn't open the dm, but she was just staring at it as she played with her drink.

Selena did remind her best friend to stop ignoring Avery, and she wanted to stop but couldn't. How could she? When she has the most stupid crush on Avery. If she told Abigail she probably would've laughed at her already, and she didn't need something like that right now. Tom was in town, and she was thinking of inviting him over but thought he was also busy, she was also not in a mood for any more public appearance, now that Kim Kardashian has leaked the so-called “real phone call” of her and Kanye West.

It's not like she can do anything about it too, everyone already started calling her a snake, on her posts in twitter, Instagram, and even Facebook. She thinks about how the media can be so toxic with one simple post that's enough to be called proof.

More minutes have passed and now she's 5 drinks deep and her head was already fuzzy from the vodka.

She didn't know how the hell she would go back to her apartment and she had hoped that Spencer was probably already looking for her. Taylor kept her profile low,  so no one recognized her just yet.

“Though day?”

Taylor turns around as she hears a man say. He was quite tall and blonde with a thick posh British accent that reminded her of Avery.

I can't really get you out of my head can i?

She asked herself.

“You can say that.” She says before sitting up straight.

The man laughed before he ordered a drink for himself as he sat two chairs away from Taylor.

“You look familiar.” He said looking at Taylor as if he was scanning her face.

Taylor just chuckled at the other blonde's comment. before taking another sip of her glass of vodka.

“Well, you're not the first to say that.” She said playfully, smiling quite friendly at the man close to her.

He just laughs. Probably already knowing who she was but he didn't mention it. As he minded his own business, but still was watching over Taylor since she looked a little bit too drunk to be alone here.

They were silent for a while as they both just drank their own glass. Taylor was getting dizzier and dizzier, she had texted Spencer though who still hadn't seen the text, so she assumed he was sleeping. But that was before she was still pretty much sober and was able to text him, but right now. All she wanted to do was see Avery.

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