Chapter Nine

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Opening my eyes I was met with the brightness of the sun shining through the curtains. Closing my eyes again I felt the urge to puke but it wouldn't come up. After fifteen minutes of laying down I finally made myself get up. My head was pounding so bad from last night.

Looking at myself in the mirror I looked horrible. My hair was all over the place, and I was pale in the face. Cutting on the shower I waited until it was good and hot before stepping in. I stepped under the hot spray of water and let it run from my head down to my feet. I let the water wash away my hangover and relax me. After handling my business in the shower I got out and wrapped my black plush towel around my body.

Walking back in my room Kyle was sitting on my bed looking at his phone. "Morning." "You mean afternoon cause it's past two o'clock." Ky said chuckling. "Yeah yeah whatever. Mind handing me that bottle of aspirin and getting me a water from the kitchen?" I asked Kyle. He looked at me before laughing again. "What the hell is so funny dude?" I asked getting mad.

Putting his hands up in surrender Kyle shook his head before leaving my room. I quickly put on a pair of boy boxers, a white tank top and long white tube socks. And then I put my hair into a sloppy ponytail before getting back in bed. Moments later Kyle came back in my room with a plate of food along with my bottle of water and aspirin. He handed me the water and aspirin and sat down on my bed. Before he could take a bite of the food I stopped him. "I thought that was for me?" I asked with one eyebrow raised.

He looked at the plate before giving it to me. Clapping my hands like a little child I took the plate and started digging in. "Guess I'll go make me another plate since someone too hungover to get their own!" "Thanks sugar pop love you!" I said making a kissing face. "What the hell! Sugar pop? Karen please spare me with the pet names." We both bust out laughing. "Okay sexy."

2 hours later...

Me and Kyle stayed in my room chilling like we usually do. "It's a little boring. So let's play truth or dare"

"Ight you start." Before we started questioning each other I went downstairs to get snacks. Coming back upstairs I dropped everything in the middle of my bed.

"Truth or dare?" I asked first. "Dare." This is going to be a crazy game of truth or dare.

An hour later it was my turn and I picked dare. "I dare you Karen Michelle to kiss me." I looked at Kyle before kissing him on the forehead. Kyle sat up and looked at me. I kind of had a feeling where this was going. He leaned in and grabbed my face before kissing me. The kiss started to get a little heated and before you know it Kyle was on top of me with one had under my shirt.

I heard footsteps so my first instinct was to push Ky off of me and that's what I did. My mom knocked on my room door and then peeped inside.

"What y'all up too?' She asked. "Nothing just playing a game of truth or dare." I told her. Kyle's phone started to ring. He looked down at the screen frowning before he answered.

"So mama what time do you leave today?" My mama was leaving today, she had another business meet out of town. Sometimes her business meetings last up to two or three months.

"Why? Are you trying to get rid of me already." She chuckled a little. "Mama you know what I meant why you being funny?" I asked fake pouting. "Oh hush girl. Give me a hug." I gave my momma a hug which lasted a long time to me but I understand why. She was getting ready to go back out for another couple of months. "I love you momma and be safe." "I love you too baby." She said kissing my forehead. We did our secret handshake before she walked out. Moment later Kyle came back in. We started  back playing truth or dare and I must say it got a lil too explicit. Somehow we ended up on the floor with Kyle between my legs stroking me and my nails deep in his back.

Other than Kyle's personality his stroke game be on point. Its like he know what spot to hit, when to hit, how long he hitting it. I felt myself about release, I guess he did to because right after I let go he came after me.

My eyes were still closed and my breathing was still unormnal. "This will be the first and last time we break our promise to each other. After today none of this happened. Okay?" He nodded his head. Straddling him I was ready for round two.

3 rounds later.....

We had been going round after round for the past two hours and I was exhausted. I couldn't even feel my legs and to top it off I was sore because Kyle wanted to get rough. I tried standing up but I failed and Kyle started laughing at me.

"Shut up this is not funny. I can't feel my legs and  I'm sore." "Awww I'm sorry care bear let me help." Kyle picked me up and carried me to the bathroom let's just say my poor kitten didn't deserve what she got but it was worth it.

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