Chapter 18

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3 months later...


I woke up to my alarm going off on my phone. Sometimes I don't even hear it. I felt a heavy arm around me so I removed it. Getting up I went into the bathroom and handled my hygiene. Once I was done I went into my closet and looked through my clothes trying to find something to wear.

"Kyle get up we're going to be late for the appointment. " I said yarning. He still didn't move so I went and thumped his ears. One thing Kyle absolutely hate is when someone mess with his ears. He jumped up with a mug on his face. "Get up or we'll be late." I told him again.

He got up and went inside the bathroom to handle his business while I kept looking through my closet trying to find something to wear.

After a while I settled on a cute pink long sleeve sweater shirt and a pair of maternity stretch black jeans.
Once we arrived at the doctors office Ky helped me out and we walked in holding hands.

I signed in and sat down beside Kyle and another pregnant woman that already had two kids sitting on the other side of her.

I wonder if I'll be single with a lot of kids?

What if something goes wrong during this pregnancy?

What if Kyle doesn't want this child no more?

Before my mind could rack up anymore questions I was called to the back. When we entered the examination room the nurse walked out and my doctor walked in.

"Hey Karen! How are you and the little one doing today?" He asked washing his hands. "We're doing fine." I told Dr.Jacobs. "Dad what about you?"

"Ready to see what's going on in there." He said excitedly rubbing my stomach. At his touch the baby started kicking. "Woah calm down little one."

Dr.Jacobs dimmed the lights in the room and squeezed blue gel on my stomach. Looking at the screen I finally saw my baby's body appear on the screen. He let us hear the heart beat which sounded real strong and healthy. After a while the baby got a little stubborn so I had to turn on my side. "Today is your five month mark and we get to see what you'll be having."

"Alright mom and dad if you would look here it looks as if you'll be having a.." he said pointing to the screen.

"Its a little girl. Congratulations." I started crying tears of joy. Kyle couldn't contain his smile. It was wider than the Nile river. "Daddy's little princess. " he said talking to our baby girl.

After we left the doctors office we went to a BBQ joint and grabbed something to eat. "I wonder what we should name her?"

Kyle shrugged "I don't know but whatever you decide then that's what we'll call her." I nodded.

When we got back to my house everyone was there. Getting out the car loud music was playing on the other side. I looked at Kyle and he just shrugged. We walked into the house and followed the music. Everyone was in the back yard.

I spotted my mom by Darien, he had on a blue apron standing in front of the grill holding a pair of tongs. I walked over to them and instantly regretted it. "Ew please get a room. The both of you should be ashamed of yourself." I said scrunching up my face.

My mama laughed and turned around. "Stay out of grown folks business." She said taking a piece of chicken off the grill. 'I know I just ate but that chicken sure do look good as hell right now.' I thought to myself. Just as I was about to grab one Kira attacked me with a hug.

"Dang Kira I was just about to get a piece of chicken." I told her rolling my eyes. "I know that's why I did that. What they say about my nephew or niece?"

"Your niece is fine. She is one big healthy baby." My ma and Kira squealed with excitement while pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"Oh my god my first granddaughter. I love the both of you for blessing me with the opportunity to be a grandmother. If I could change what happened a long time ago I would." By then all three of us was in tears.

"We love you too ma." Me and Kira said at the same time.

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