Chapter Four

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My morning has been good so far. After I got off the phone with my mom I made a simple breakfast that consisted of eggs, bacon. and toast. Grabbing my things I headed for the door. Before I could even open the door Kyle beat me to it. "Dang dude knock me over with the door then!" Kyle laughed like it was just so funny. "Keep laughing you ugly hyena. " I had to laugh at myself for that one. "That shit ain't even funny." I couldn't contain myself no more so I busted out laughing again. "Man bring yo ass on shit ain't even funny at all." Kyle said now getting upset.

After we arrived at school, we found a parking space. We arrived earlier than I thought, so we stayed out in the parking lot chilling. An all black truck pulled up beside us. The person parked and got out. It was a sexy chocolate nigga that was driving this truck. He walked past me and I caught a glimpse at his sexy grey eyes. I also checked his outfit out, he had on some black true religions, red and black plaid button down shirt, all black jays, and he was rocking a red flag. Gang affiliated, didn't take much to realize that.

The bell finally rung for school to start. I went straight to my locker, I tried to hurry and get my stuff out before loud mouth Lacy came over. I guess I failed to get away this time because all of my papers splattered everywhere. "Karen!!" and there goes Lacy

"Damn" I said to myself. "Hey Lacy, I see you got a new wig girl what that is Brazilian." I said to her. She looked at me with one eyebrow raised before saying "ha ha bitch very funny." Lacy is a very loud mouth but cool person, well at least to me she is.

After a few seconds of talking to her I hurried and ended the conversation. If I didn't she would have talked my head off and I would have been late to class.

Three hours later....

Finally it was lunch time, I was starting to think I was going to pass out. As I was walking to the pizza line somebody bumped me and they bumped me hard. "Damn Karen watch where you going." Alexis told me. Long story short Alexis doesn't like me and vice versa. "Bitch I believe you need to be watching where you walking and who you talking to." I told her, it's always mess between us. She would go and tell lies to her so called friends about me and I really find that very childish. Alexis rolled her eyes at me before walking off.

"So you and Lexis still hate each other?" Trevor asked me. "Apparently yeah but it'll be alright, she still mad at the fact that me and you once dated." I told him. We conversed for a little while before I got my pizza and spotted my homies already sitting down eating. Walking towards the table I noticed Nicki sitting in my usual spot. "Glad to see y'all saved my seat." I said sarcastically. "Here sit beside me." Kevin said.

I sat beside him and started eating. Before I could bite into my third slice of pizza I instantly lost my appetite from the sight in front of me. Kyle and Nicki were basically making out at the table. Since our table was located in a corner no one really noticed but me.

Just looking at them kissing had me slightly kind of jealous but I instantly shook it off and got up. Everyone looked at me in a questioning way, so I told them I had to go to the restroom. I went into the bathroom and stood in there long enough to hear the conversation between the two girls that were in there. I looked in the mirror and reapplied my lip gloss before leaving out.

During my last class of the day my phone started to vibrate in my pocket. Taking it out and checking it I seen that Qua had texted me.

Qua: wassup beautiful?

Me: Nothing... really bored in class.

Qua: me too wanna hang out after school?

Me: yeah, sure

Qua: okay see you after school.

I had to smile to myself for a moment, before I could even enjoy my moment fully Kyle interrupted me. "Aye wassup wit' you K you been quite today." I looked at Kyle and for a moment I was in LA LA land. I quickly came back to earth and said a simple "nothing". One thing Kyle knew about me pretty good was that whenever I'm not in the mood for nothing I  always give him a simple answer. He gave me a looked that said we'll talk later.

After school....

After school was out I met up with Qua and we got into his all black BMW. As we was exiting the student parking lot I seen that same dude with the sexy grey eyes. As he got into his truck I also seen a girl sitting in the passenger seat.

"Probably finna go fuck her brains out." I said mostly out loud instead of to myself. "Talking about Red?" Qua asked me. "You know him?" I asked Qua shocked. He shook his head and said " yeah that's my brother on my father side, we don't have the same mother.

His mom died when he was 15. She was a cancer fighter until she couldn't fight it no more and it got the best of her." That made me sad. "I know how it feels to lose someone you love. My father was killed two years ago, he was shot by an police officer that was off duty." I told him. Talking about my father made me even more sad, we shared a bond that was so strong that no one or nothing could have broken it.

Silence filled the car as I looked out the window and reminised on the good times we had together. "I'm sorry about your father." He told me sincerely. I nodded afraid that if I speak then the tears would start flowing.

A few more minutes passed by and we finally pulled up to Vince's Ice Cream shop. Getting out we walked inside and stood in line. "Wow I've never been here before." I told Qua. As we moved up in the line I glanced over all of the different varieties of ice cream they offered.

"I've never heard of peach cobbler ice cream." I said to Qua. "Oh yeah? You should try it and tell me what you think." Qua told the man behind the counter our orders.

Once we received our ice cream we sat in an empty booth by the window. "This is real good." I said. "That's my favorite one. I've tried every flavor and so far peach cobbler beats them all."

"It tastes so real, like I'm actually eating peach cobbler." I told him. For some reason I got real excited about the ice cream.

After we talked and ate our ice cream Qua took me home. "Thanks for the good time and ice cream I really had a nice time today." For a second I wanted to lean into Qua and kiss him. He kissed me on my cheek and I must say that kiss had me fire red. I waved goodbye to him and went into the house.

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