Chapter Fourteen

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2 weeks later...


I was tired but I couldn't put my head down. To make matters worst I was in chemistry but we had a substitute and he was just talking everybody's head off. So I settled on looking out the classroom window until he called on me.

"Karen what answer do you have for problem number 3?" I looked down at my paper and answered his question.

I had already finished my work ahead of time so I was just chilling while others was still working.

"Mr. White may I be excused?" he nodded his head and returned to teaching.

Karen took the restroom pass off of the desk and exit the classroom. Stepping into the bathroom she heard two familiar voices in one stall.

Karen walked quietly into the stall on the very end closed the door, locked it and stood on top of the toilet.

She listened very carefully at the conversation they was having.

"Girl what about Kevin you know he feeling you." Alexis stated. "So what he ain't my type really. He's just a distraction right now until I get the real thing." Lacy said.

Karen was shocked that Lacy was playing Kevin. "That grimy bitch." she thought to herself.

"Just wait until everybody find out what's been going between lovers and friends. I'll have my spotlight as his one and only." with that the two girls walked out the bathroom like nothing just happened.
Later on that day....

Karen laid in her bed thinking about what she had heard earlier in the girls bathroom. So many questions was racing through her mind. It's like one moment she and Lacy were good friends and now they were slowly drifting apart.

It also seems as if her and Kyle was getting closer then usual. She didn't want to mess up their friendship. She didn't want to ruin a good couple that really like each other.

But with this secret that she's been hiding all she could do was think about the negative outcome of the situation.

Her phone ringing distracted her thoughts. She picked it up and looked to see that Hazel had texted.

Hazel: girl you would not believe this!

Me: what are you talking about?

Hazel: someone leaked a video of Nicki and some other dude I'm not sure who he is.

I furrowed my eyebrows and checked every social site I didn't see any video. My phone buzzed indicating that I had another text.

Hazel: I'll send you the link to the video.

I waited until my phone buzzed and then opened the text. I clicked on the link and it took me to a website I never heard of. I pressed play and watched the video. My jaw dropped to the floor at what I seen.

I called Hazel's phone and she picked up on the second ring. "Girl are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I shook my as if she could see me. "So this whole time she been playing Kyle? That bitch gone get hers." I told Hazel pounding my fist on the bed.

"You know I'm down but I must say watch your back around that Lacy bitch she been acting hella strange ever since fall break." Hazel had a point, Lacy been acting salty lately and not to mention the conversation in the bathroom added on to it.

"Thanks girl and I will." we ended the conversation and I just laid back again thinking how everything is just going left.
1 month later...

"Hey love." I sung to my mother as I hugged her. I seems as if she always go mia for a couple of months and then show up out of nowhere. As I pulled away from the hug I seen a very tall and muscular man standing in the doorway.

"Mama whose your company?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. "Karen this is my fiancee Darien Harris. Baby this is my daughter Karen." he grabbed me and pulled me into a big bear hug.

I laughed lightly fixing my now messed up ponytail. "What a warm welcome."

"I was thinking we could all go out tonight that way you two can get to know each other more-" "or we could stay in cook dinner and catch up while we get to know each other some more?" I suggested. My mom nodded in agreement as well as Darien.

"Since its still early how about we do a little shopping together?" my mom asked sounding like a little teenage girl. "Yeah that sounds nice let me go grab my things and I'll be back down."
"What about this dress?" I asked Darien. He looked and then shook his head. "Na you look like an old maid try another one." we spent hours in one store trying on dresses and deciding which fit perfect. I had found two pretty dresses but my mom was still trying dresses on. "Alright ma last one. Hopefully this will be the ideal dress for you."

She came out with a cream colored dress on that was simple but elegant at the same time. "Wow you look-" "beautiful." Darien finished my sentence. My mom was blushing mad hard.

Finally we exited the mall and went to the grocery store. We picked up a few groceries and headed back to the house.
I was in my room laying down when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" I said to whoever was on the other side of the door. It was my mother.

"Hey sweetie. Just wanted to check on you. You look dull what's the matter?" she asked I guess this was a now or never situation.

"How did you feel when you first became pregnant with me?" I asked.

My ma was quiet a few minutes before she replied.

"I was scared. There's something I never told you because I felt I wasn't ready to tell you." she said grabbing my hand, I watched as the tears rolled down her cheeks. I used my thumb the wipe away the stray tears.

"It's alright mama take your time." I told her softly.

She took a deep breath before continuing.

"When you was born I had to have an emergency c-section. The nurses and even myself was shocked that I had twins. That night I held both of y'all was the last night I held your sister. She was taken from me. My father felt as if I was too young for responsibilities. He took the both of you and put y'all up for adoption. Me and your father snuck into the nursery and grabbed the first baby we laid eyes on which happened to be you and ran away never looking back. I heard through some friends that your sister was adopted by one of my closes friends. I visit whenever I can."

I sat there in total shock. I couldn't believe I was a twin. "Wow do she know that I exist?" I asked. My ma laughed lightly. "Of course she does I would like for you two to meet soon." I smiled thinking about meeting my other half soon.

"Oh and congratulations by the way. I hope you tell whoever it is before it's too late." my mom said before exiting my room. I was left sitting in the same position with my mouth wide open.

What the hell?

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