💙Chapter 14💙

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Sasuke and Naruto made it back to the Haruno mansion, they both walked through the heavy oak door making sure they didn't make a sound. Everyone was still asleep, true to Sasuke's words.

"So umm, I'm going to go upstairs to my room. I'll see later," Naruto said running her hand through her messy hair.

"I'll see you later," Sasuke said then leaned in to give Naruto a kiss, but Naruto frowned pulling away.

"What are you doing?," Naruto asked stepping away from Sasuke with a frown.

"Kissing you," Sasuke said with a smirk.

"No, no," Naruto said with this weird look on her face, then walked away slowly slightly stumbling, walking upstairs, making sure she's not making noise with her heels.

Sasuke just chuckled at her, following her from behind heading towards his and Karin's room. He watched Naruto get inside her room, holding her head gently.

Sasuke went inside his room and looked around, Karin isn't here yet and he shrugged. She probably got held up or something.

He took off his event clothes and changed into normal clothes, putting on deodorant. He fixed his hair slightly his phone ringing. He took it then answered.

"Karin?," Sasuke asked with a frown, still looking at himself in the mirror.

"Baby, I won't be back until late this evening.The biggest celebrity in history wants me to shoot a music video with him and I'm so excited!!, I love you baby see you this evening," Karin said with an excited voice practically screaming then hung up.

Sasuke looked at his phone and sighed, he's wife really wanted to do these things. He didn't even know if she ever slept last night. He sighed then proceeded downstairs to find Gaara making coffee.

He smirked at the red haired, he looked disheveled. He looked like he really had a long night.

"Morning," Sasuke greeted as he walked towards the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

"Uchiha," Gaara greeted back sipping his strong coffee, running his hand through his hair.

"You don't look so good," Sasuke said and Gaara shrugged.

"I'm worried about Naruto, I didn't see her anywhere at the event and she wouldn't answer my calls. I tried knocking on her bedroom door but she wouldn't answer. I think she's not even here in the mansion," Gaara said genuinely worried about Naruto. He frowned thoughtfully leaning against the counter.

Sasuke looked at the red haired with a frown. Was the red haired in love with Naruto?, Look at how worried he is about Naruto, Sasuke doesn't think that he even slept last night.

'Does Gaara really have feelings for Naruto?,' Sasuke thought and his frown deepens, his heart gripping and his hands clenching tightly.

'No, that can't be possible because they are best friends. Gaara wouldn't ruin their friendship like that,' Sasuke thought really wanting to believe that Gaara wasn't in love with Naruto.

Sasuke felt that Naruto was supposed to be loved like that by only him. Sasuke has dated Naruto for the longest time, he was the one who had the guts to ask her out when every guy had cold feet back in highschool, she was the most beautiful girl and every guy liked her but they didn't have the guts to ask her out.

Dating ever since high school and still having a tight bond and relationship until their College years can really make you possessive of someone you truly care about. And Sasuke is very possessive of Naruto, he has loved her for the longest time and he truly believes that those feelings for her are still there.They never really truly disappeared.

"Morning boys," they both looked up to find Sakura up and bright and happy. She was wearing her gym wear, which consists of tight leggings, a sports bra and running snickers.

"Sakura, you're up early and you're even sweating," Sasuke said looking at the pink haired woman.

"Yep, I just had a workout session with Lee. I have to keep my health in check and my body in shape," Sakura said then looked at Sasuke carefully. He has this certain glow about him and he wasn't stiff or frowning at anyone. He actually looks content.

"What happened to you last night," Sakura asked walking towards the fridge to take a bottle of cold water.

Sasuke looked at her confused," What do you mean?," He asked suspiciously at her. 'Was he making it obvious that he was happy about something?,' Sasuke thought putting on his usual stone cold face, not portraying any emotions.

"You seem content this morning. You're not stiff or frowning at anyone, it's like you got laid last night," Sakura said bluntly then walked away as Lee was waiting for her.

Gaara on the other hand was chuckling shaking his head, Sasuke frowned at him.

"What are you laughing about?," Sasuke asked not liking that Gaara was laughing at him.

"I mean, your wife finally gave you some and the stick up your ass finally disappears. You really needed it, didn't you?," Gaara asked still chuckling," That's why you were busy frowning at everyone, your wife was depriving you of sex. You really got lucky last night didn't you," Gaara said then walked away to have a shower still laughing at Sasuke.

Sasuke just shook his head and smirked. Gaara doesn't know what really happened last night, he wouldn't be laughing if he really knew, heck Sasuke really thought his ass would be beaten to a pulp if Gaara ever found out.

But Sasuke doesn't regret anything he did with Naruto last night. He would actually remember it for the rest of his life and really treasure that moment. Naruto is an amazing person, Sasuke couldn't help but smile as he reminisce about the moments they shared.

Maybe this was their chance to get back together again or maybe a sign that they shouldn't have broken up in the first place.

Sasuke smiled, his mind taking him else where. He was filled with memories of only Naruto from their school years and finally to yesterday's events. He couldn't help but to laugh fondly as he remembered Naruto dancing and having fun with him.

Sasuke just sighed and head towards the pools of the mansion.


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