🍓Chapter 34🍓

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Naruto smiled as she flipped her hair behind her shoulders. She smoothed out her dress and sighed. Today everyone are heading out to the casino for the last Haruno celebration.

Even though it's the last cerebration, everyone was feeling excited to be going to the fanciest casino in town. They have dressed for the night, everyone was looking sharp and now it was time for them to head out.

"Okay guys, this night is the last night of our celebration. So, let's make this night count and have fun," Sakura said and everyone nodded with a smile.

"Gotcha," Kiba said with a grin.

"Okay then, let's go," Naruto said with a smile and everyone walked out the mansion and there was a black limousine waiting for them.

They got inside the car and drove out the mansion. Everyone in the limo were talking excitedly amongst themselves about what they would be doing at the casino but Naruto was in her own world.

She was thinking, she has confirmed everything. She looked towards Sasuke and he was also lost in thought, Karin was next to him, she was talking to Temari.

Naruto sighed smiling slightly to herself and looked up at Gaara. He was sitting next to her, but he was talking on the phone. She put her hand on his thigh, immediately gaining his attention. He hung up and looked down at Naruto.

"Everything okay Naru?," Gaara asked down at the woman. Naruto nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just need to talk to you Gaara after the cerebration is over. It's really important," Naruto said looking up at the red haired man. Gaara nodded slowly worriedly.

"It's sounds serious," Gaara said and Naruto shrugged with a smile.

"You'll see," Naruto said leaning against Gaara's shoulder.


The limo finally made it to the casino, and there was a red carpet outside the luxurious building, fans were standing outside the building on either side of the entrance screaming excitedly.

The paparazzi were taking pictures and having mini interviews with well known celebraties and their plus ones.

Naruto and Gaara walked out the limo together, Naruto had her arm linked to Gaara's arm. They were both waved at their fans as they shouted their names. Some asking for their autographs.

A lady with a microphone stopped them politely, asking them for an interview.

"Naruto-sama, I'm so glad you gave us a minute of your precious time to have this interview with us. So you are a powerful woman right now, coming from difficult beginnings and a difficult divorce and making a name for yourself has many girls and young woman feeling inspired by that. Please tell us how you did it," The lady said with a smile pointing the microphone towards Naruto.

"Thank you, well it wasn't easy I can tell you that and given the fact that in life there are no short cuts, you have to earn what you want to achieve it and you have to do all of that honestly and smartly. And because I had the drive to do this and the people around me motivated me to go to these job interviews go to that job interview and to never be ashamed of what I do, I managed to persevere and make my dreams a reality," Naruto said with a smile looking at the lady.

"Wow, wise words coming from a wise woman indeed. And I have seen on some social media networks that some people don't exactly agree with what you do and are against your products, tell me about that," The lady said with a smile pointing the microphone back to Naruto.

"Well yes, some people do not agree with what I do because they think that there are unknown remedies that are added to my lotions that could have sever side effects. But every time I send evidence that my products are tested by experienced Dermatologist and that they should rest assured," Naruto said nodding with a smile.

"Well thank you Naruto-san you look great tonight by the way. Please enjoy the rest of your evening," The lady said and Naruto nodded with a smile walking away with Gaara.

They continued up the stairs and through the big entrance of the casino and inside was even better and there was a sense of sophistication.

High ceilings, beautiful glass chandeliers, glass walls separating each sections, there was a bar place with many expensive beverages, there were many tables specifically for the guests, soft jazz music was played by a band on a stage, there were many games with flashy colors to give the guests the experience.

"Wow," Naruto said looking around walking towards the tables with Gaara.

"Yeah I know right," Gaara said nodding his head in approval.

They set together on the tables, together with Sasuke, Karin, Ino and Sai. The others were on separate tables.

"Oh look, Sakura is about to give her speech," Ino said with a smile looking at her best friend as she clapped her hands with the other guests.

As the speeches were finished being made, the waiters and waitresses came serving the guests their foods and drinks. There was chattering around the tables, clicking of plates and light laughter.

"Mmm, this soup is killer," Naruto said in pleasure closing her eyes.

"Yeah, I can I have a test?," Gaara asked with a smirk on his face leaning against the blonde.

"Sure," Naruto said laughing slightly as she was about to feed Gaara but Sasuke quickly intervened.

"Naruto, do you want to dance after this?," Sasuke asked looking at the blonde woman.

"Um I'm sorry but I have a dance with Gaara after this, don't we Gaara," Naruto said looking up at the red haired with a certain look. Gaara had a look of confusion on his face but quickly understood.

"Yeah, we have a dance together," Gaara said taking Naruto's hand.

"Well, what are we waiting for then?, We are done here anyway," Ino said looking around the table.

Everyone walked towards the dance floor as they were finished with their dishes.

"Hey, what are you trying to do here Gaara?," Sasuke quickly asked the red haired man standing before him.

"I'm doing nothing, I'm just going to dance with the woman I love," Gaara said looking at Sasuke and shrugged none challengingly then walked away.

Sasuke looked after him with a frown,' What does he mean?,' Sasuke thought to himself.


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