🍊Chapter 39🍊

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After the night of the casino and everyone having fun there. The next day the gang decided to hit the beach to just relax and spend time together.

Gaara and Neji were barbequing the meat together having a conversation together. Kiba and Sai were setting up the table. Hinata and Ino were taking the plates and glasses from the basket.

The others were inside the water or just sitting on camp chairs, drinks in their hands.

Sakura was sitting on the camp chair with Naruto besides her, both woman were sipping on their cocktail and just enjoying each other's company.

"So, I have been noticing you and Gaara have been exchanging looks for the past hour. Tell me, what's going on between you two?," Sakura asked her best friend with a smile adjusting her sunglasses slightly.

"I mean, at the casino we had a lot of fun and we got a chance to talk to each other and I sorta confessed," Naruto said with a smile looking at Sakura through her own sunglasses.

"Confessed to what?, Come on Naruto tell me," Sakura said leaning with a smile on her face, wanting to get the juicy details out of Naruto. Naruto shrugged with a devious smile sipping on her cocktail.

"Naru," Sakura shouted smiling largely.

"Don't worry about it Sakura, we'll tell you all everything tonight. For now, let's just have some fun," Naruto said with a smile getting up, Sakura following suit. Naruto looked towards Gaara with a smile giving him a flirtatious wink. Gaara only smirked at the blonde.


Sasuke walked out of the beach house wearing only his black swimming trunks. He walked through the hot sand barefoot, he sees Naruto swimming around in the ocean.

She has been off with him ever since that conversation they had at the patio. But Sasuke is holding onto that hope that they were still going to give their relationship a chance.

Sasuke swam towards her and looked at her carefully. She looked relaxed and kinda free.

"Naruto," Sasuke called out to the blonde woman. Naruto opened her eyes and to see Sasuke besides her.

"Sasuke?, Can I help you?," Naruto asked looking towards Sasuke.

"Yeah, can we talk please?," Sasuke asked and Naruto thought about it for a few minutes.

"Sure, let's go," Naruto said and they swam towards the shore and walked towards the camp chairs and set down.

There was silence between them then Naruto sighed looking at Sasuke.

"Okay, what is this about Sasuke?," Naruto asked looking at the raven haired man.

"This is about us Naruto, you've been distancing yourself from me and don't think I haven't noticed that. I just want to find out where we stand, I really don't want us to end this. I just got you back and now that the celebration is over, I don't want us to walk our separate ways. I am serious about this," Sasuke said looking at the woman.

"You know six years ago and even way back, you and I were close. We got to know each other and fell in love, we went to the same high school and the same college. We eventually got married thinking our marriage would last for the longest time, but unfortunately there were some events that took place that ended up with you divorcing me," Naruto said looking at Sasuke with a smile. Sasuke shook his head slowly.

"Naruto th-," Sasuke started but Naruto raised her hand.

"We had a lot of fun together, all of our moments were amazing experiences and I wouldn't trade them for any precious gem. But hearing you that night saying that you only divorced me because of your jealousy and my closeness to Gaara and because you thought you're going to lose me had me thinking, really thinking," Naruto said with a smile looking down at the sand.

Sasuke sighed softly through his nostrils, he was losing Naruto again.

"I've never felt like a joke to someone I thought appreciated me, I felt unimportant and unworthy. You never fought for me, you didn't even try to fight for us. You just thought of what is right and that was to divorce me and end everything with me quickly without even sitting me down and talking to me like grown adults. I just felt that our entire five year marriage was just nothing but a joke to divorce someone you claim to love for childish reasons," Naruto said with a sigh looking up at the clear blue sky.

Sasuke nodded slowly looking at the beautiful woman he knows he was losing then and there.

"The truth is, I'm no longer angry with you. For years, I used to carry this bitterness with me and asking myself 'what did I do' to him. At the night of the carnival, we had fun and reconnected on so many levels but I truly believe that we have arrived at our destination. Our journey together ends here," Naruto said with a smile that looked so content and free. Sasuke sighed and nodded in understanding looking down in defeat.

He truly loves Naruto with all his heart, he was going to make her so happy but he understands why she's doing this. She has to think of herself first before she thinks of anything. It's her life too, and no one can tell her otherwise. She's free to do whatever she wants.

"I hope you can forgive me for this decision, it's a choice I made after careful thinking and going through some compelling experiences. I'm really sorry Sasuke," Naruto said gently looking at Sasuke with a sorrowful look on her face.

"No it's okay, I understand why you would do this. Now I know what they say 'you never know what you had until it's gone'. But I hope you'll be happy with the person you have chosen," Sasuke said with a tiny smile.

"I know, I am," Naruto said with a beautiful smile looking towards Gaara's direction who was barbequing the meat, Sasuke followed her gaze and sighed.

"I have to go and pack, I have an early morning tomorrow," Sasuke said getting up.

"You?," Naruto asked confused.

"Karin asked for a separation yesterday," Sasuke said with a sigh," there must be something wrong with me," Sasuke said jokingly and Naruto giggled.

"I guess I'll see around," Naruto said getting up as well.

They embraced tightly, Sasuke held her close for the last time, savouring the moment for the last time, then they walked their separate ways.


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