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THE SUM BEAMS DOWN ONTO MY FACE, causing my eyes to flutter open. Me and the other pogues decided to slump on the hammocks after getting back from our dangerous journey last night.

I groan quietly as I swing my legs over the side of the hammock, planting the soles of my Birkenstocks onto the grass beneath me.

Suddenly, I hear the back door of the chateau swing open before clicking shut. I look over my shoulder, my eyes falling upon the Routledge boy.

"Good morning, Marley."

"Morning, John B."

I stay in my spot on the hammock, my feet resting on the ground as I rub my eyes, trying to get rid of the lingering exhaustion that still resides in my body.

It's silent for a few moments, but eventually, John B speaks up, "We should return the Scuba before Ward notices it's gone." He suggests, earning a nod of agreement from me.

"Yeah, let's go." I respond, standing up and outstretching my arms, a yawn following shortly after.

Me and John B walk down his dock before hopping onto the HMS pogue. "Got it?" John B questions as he makes his way over to the steering wheel.

I nod as my hands quickly untie the rope that's connecting the boat to the dock. "Yeah, she's good." I reply, throwing the rope onto the floor of the boat.

As John B starts to navigate through the marsh, I take a seat at the spot I sat at yesterday. "So," I cross my arms, closing my eyes as I lean my head back. "How do you think Scooter is connected to your dad's compass?"

I hear the brunette haired boy sigh, "Um, I dunno." He admits as I listen to the waves splash against the base of the boat.

"What if we just go to Lana's house and ask?" I suggest simply, figuring that if we just go and ask, it'll be much easier than playing goose chase.

"Sounds good to me."


We pull up to the Cameron's boat and we quietly slide open the glass door. One thing I'm positive about is that if me or John B get caught stealing scuba, Ward will totally fire John B, and Rafe will be pissed at me. Honestly, he would probably be worse than just pissed.

Of course, my luck results in Sarah Cameron being sprawled out on the yachts sofa. I turn to look at John B, holding a finger to my lips, not wanting the teenager to make any sudden movements, just in case Sarah is a light sleeper.

John B nods, taking a step towards me. Somehow, the boy manages to have his two tanks clang against another, causing me to internally groan as I squeeze my eyes shut, knowing Sarah will be waking up in the matter of seconds.

Sarah's eyes flutter open, gasping in surprise as she spots us. "God, you guys aren't Wheezie..." She sighs as she looks at us, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Correct... yeah." John B laughs nervously, obviously not expecting the girl to be on the boat at this hour. "Sorry,"

"What are you guys doing?" The blonde girl asks, annoyance seeping through her tone as she rubs her palm against her forehead.

"Um, we're just dropping off some scuba gear..." John B responds, tension brewing in the air.

However, the tension isn't just because we got caught stealing scuba. The real tension is being caused by me and Sarah, who're in the same proximity without yelling at each other for once.

𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐯𝐞 || jj 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤Where stories live. Discover now